A Colorful Begining In Time

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Now let's start at the begining, a normal begining, no need for all the creativity yet. A story that starts with a mother, a mother named Maranda Green. Now her husband had abandond her once he had gotten her pregnant. The bastard he was, but that's not the reason we're here.

Maranda Green was a simple woman with long lime green hair and bright mint green eyes, due to her father who had also passed away. She lived in a smimple home in the town known as Skapande, a sweedish town, where she lived with her best friend Tími Runner. He had been taking care of her with his three year old son Tony Runner ever since she was abandond. Now let's do a little creative time skipping now that you've got a little back story.


Five months later little Natalie NotePad was born, healthy and adorable, she had light blonde hair and bright blue eyes from her father but they made her look adorable.

Now little Natalie NotePad was obviously different from everyone else, she painted and drew and sang at a young age making everything colorful but she often distanced herself from everyone but Tony who she hid behind and befirended. She lived a sheltered life mostly concidering neither Tími nor her mother could aford to take them out so Tony showed her the wonders of the world.

Looking at the clouds and seeing silly things, or watching the rain fall, or simply drawing scribbles with silly colors together. They kept each other safe and made sure they were always happy, being other than happy was against the rules in there world. They had simple rules at there young ages:

1. Always be happy

2. Be creative as much as possible

3. Make sure to stay on task, not a minute can be waisted.

4.Stay friends.

Now these rules were simple to follow, and fun to fallow for that matter that is, until Tony went off to colege. That put a strain on there relationship, but there was an upside to it, they got to spend more of there money on Natalie NotePad and that meant Creativity all around. That lasted quite a long time for the family until one faitful night they went to the Valentine carnival to make fun of all the people in love and eat candy. They all seemed happy until Maranda's ex husband showed up and things got brutal.

Fitst shouting between the Maranda and her father, then Tími joined in trying to defend Maranda witch only made things worse. Natalie covered her ears watching the scene of chaose unfold in front of her. And that's when her father pulled out the knife.

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