Chapter one

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Detective Drew walked down the gloomy hallway of Manerfield’s police station.  It was dark as the lights had been turned off, deliberately. In the hallway there were a collection of rooms branching out into segregated areas that were empty; there wasn’t a soul in sight. Although, he couldn’t help but notice the silent but deadly footsteps behind him. He tried to outpace the sound, but the echo grew increasingly louder. He knew he wasn’t going to reach the end of the hallway without them catching him. He knew what he had to do, but waited for the perfect moment.

Drew stopped in silence, but the rhythm of footsteps continued growing behind him. He knew who it was; it could only be one person. Drew stood parallel to a door frame, looked inside to see the window, and made his decision. In a flash Drew bolted into the room and slammed the door behind him, he recognised a change in the rhythmic echo. They suddenly got faster; he knew they were responding to his sudden reaction. The footsteps just confirmed a risk in his own safety as he could only conclude that they were chasing him, he knew he had to proceed with his plan.

Drew Sprinted as fast as he could towards the window on the other side of the room avoiding and maneuvering around obstacles in his way. As Drew approached the window in great speed he judged the distance between him and it, and jumped though. The sound of the door being opened behind him was drowned out by the sound of the glass smashing through the air around him.

Drew luckily landed unscathed, and quickly lifted himself of the ground and proceeded to the road next to him. He saw a car approach him and frantically waved to it in the middle of the road. The car stopped in a halt. A man appeared from out of the car, and looked confused. Drew began to head towards to the car, but he began to see a difference in his per visual vision. An emerging shadow on the ground moving towards him, he looked up at the window he just jumped from and was confronted with a siluet. Drew noticed a subtle extension of the siluet’s arm.

‘Get down!’ Drew shouted at the man next to him, still confused.

Drew barged into the man pushing him, along with himself to the ground behind the car. As they both hit on impact shots sounded out and surrounded them, they came from the siluet. As the shots stopped and the echo faded away dead, Drew crawled into the driving seat of the car.

‘Get in!’ Drew commanded to the man.

The man opened up the back door of the car and crawled in. Drew started the engine and drove off keeping his head down, they both sped off into the distance as quick as they could leaving a cloud of smoke behind them and the sound of screeching tire. The owner of the car seemed to be in relief that they got away. And where know safe. But Drew knows that it has only just begun.

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