9: Sebastian Hunt, Master Planner

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January 18, Wednesday
the day of the incident

"Hey, when are we gonna do the prank? Aunt Anna's here, so it's kinda risky, don't you think?" Liam asked as the bell rang.

Seb shrugged."I just wanna do it as soon as possible."

"Tonight, then?" Liam asked with a grin.

Seb considered the options. Then he realized he wasn't seriously considering anything.

"Alright." Seb replied, smiling.

The two of them walked calmly across the hallway before Liam spoke up again.

"I can't believe you actually enjoyed the date." Liam said.

Seb rolled his eyes."Seriously? It's been three days, and you've been saying that ever since."

"I can't help it!" Liam defended,"Like, I thought you hated her with all your heart! And then the next day, you're all bouncing into class and saying that you liked her."

"Hey, I was quick to judge. Amanda's really a cool girl, so if you could meet her, that'd be great. Maybe we could even double date with Aria." Seb suggested.

Liam raised an eyebrow."Double date?"

Seb nodded.

"Ugh, let's just go back to pranking. I don't even wanna think about anything else." Liam lamented.

"But aren't we done with our plan already?"

"All you said last week was 'Sneak up, hide water balloons in the confetti for the exhibition's opening ceremony.'"

"Hey, to me, it sounded pretty clear."

"Duh, you're the one suggesting the idea, idiot."

"I love you too, bro."


Seb hurriedly walked to keep up wth his mother, who was brisk walking in her 5-inch heels. Her stilettos made click-clack noises every time she took a step down the hallway and into the field, her bodyguard watching over her.

"Mom, hey, Mom!" Seb shouted.

Anna Hunt froze and turned around, allowing Seb to keep up with her."Oh, Sebastian! Why do you need me?"

"I just wanted to greet," Seb hastily said,"And I also wanted to ask if the rumor about the after-party's true. That you'll be staying an extra week after this."

Seb's mom broke out into a grin."Good morning to you, too. And yes, the rumor's true, the parents will be staying for an extra week."

Seb fought the urge to groan."Okay, then, Mom. Thanks."

"By the way, how was your date with Amanda?" Seb's mom asked.

"Oh, it went okay. I mean, we're friends and everything. That's it." Seb replied.

Anna nodded."Good, good. I'm glad you got along with her. Now, if you'll excuse me, darling, I have to get going and continue the process."

"See you later, then-" Seb started to say, but was cut off as sirens filled the empty silence of Ravenswood. Seb and his mother turned around to see where the noise was coming from, and saw two police cars entering Ravenswood.

Anna's eyes narrowed."I thought the LAPD weren't coming until tonight."

"Maybe they want your signature." Seb suggested.

"Stop it with the jokes, Sebastian."

The sirens turned off as four buff policemen exited the car, and a fifth parked it.

One of the policemen came towards Seb's direction.

The policeman brought his hand out to Seb's mom."Officer Dominic Bail, Ma'am. I take it you're Anna Hunt?"

Anna nodded but didn't shake the officer's hand."I thought the police weren't coming until 6, Officer."

"Chief McKinley wanted a squad to come earlier in case any exhibition items arrived before the others came," Officer Bail explained,"As of now, do you need help with anything, Ma'am?"

Seb's mom shook her head."I'm fine, I have my bodyguard with me. Just go inform Henry, the principal, or patrol the gates."

Officer Bail nodded."Pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Hunt."

"You as well, Officer." Anna replied, as she walked away with her bodyguard following her. Officer Bail gave Seb a curt nod, then walked away as well.


"Wait, so the police are going to be patrolling the school from now until next week?" Liam asked in disbelief.

Seb shrugged."I mean, I know they're gonna patrol from now until the end of the alumni party, but I'm not so sure about until next week, with the parents staying for another week and everything."

Liam knit his eyebrows."Then we've got to hurry with the prank. We already have the water balloons, but we'll need to sneak up to the gym to place it with the confetti."

Seb's eyes widened."What? We're going through with the prank?"

Liam looked at him stupidly."Duh. I mean, we have the water balloons, and we're not gonna let the police stop us. What are they gonna do to us, put us in jail for a prank?"

"But what if we get caught? They might think we were sneaking around to steal something!" Seb protested.

Liam rolled his eyes."Dude, you're Aunt Anna's son. Why the hell would you steal something from the exhibition when it indirectly belongs to you?"

"Point taken," Seb admitted,"But still, Mom would explode if she thought we were trying to sabotage her event."

"But if we don't get caught and the students know? We'll be pranking legends, bro." Liam insisted.

Seb kept silent for a few seconds.

"Don't make me regret this." Seb grumbled.

Liam grinned.


Four more police cars came, making twenty LAPD staff present. Most of them were stationed outside, but five officers were up in the gym.

Seb checked his phone. It was 11:54 as of now, way past curfew. His heart was beating about three times a second. He took deep breaths.

Liam was putting on a black jacket, as they both carried coolers of water balloons. Liam checked the hallway first if it was clear, then gave a thumbs up as they silently tread through the hallway and climbed up the stairway.

Which probably looked comical, Seb thought sarcastically,Seeing two teenagers in pajamas carrying coolers at 10:48 PM in a staircase.

Seb peeked through the crack in the door and saw five officers going around the gym.

"Shit, they weren't kidding about the officers." Seb cursed.

"It's 10:50 right now," Liam said,"Let's go in at 10:55."

"5 minutes of sleep wasted." Seb groaned.

Liam rolled his eyes.

And then, they wouldn't be prepared at all for what happened next.

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