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(Please excuse any spelling errors and tell me about plot holes)

After they finally ate the breakfast (that they had to heat up again by then) they all spent the day together by watching movies and playing different games, they were currently outside while playing a game of tag.

"Tag, you're it!" Taehyung shouted as he ran away from Jaebum after tagging him.

Jaebum was just about to run after a screaming Youngjae when his phone ringed.

"Let's take a break, I have to take this!" Jaebum said when he saw the caller ID.

Youngjae nodded and brought the boys inside to get them something to drink.

"Hello Jinyoung" Jaebum answered, still trying to catch his breath.

"Hi Jaebum hyung i..wait why are you panting?" Jinyoung asked and it took Jaebum about 10 seconds to realize what his perverted best friend meant.

"Oh my god no Jinyoung, don't be perverted, I was just playing a game of tag with Taehyung and Jungkook" Jaebum said, he decided to leave Youngjae out for now to avoid 'match maker Jinyoung' to go into action.

"I didn't say anything perverted, who's the dirty minded now huh?" Jinyoung mocked through the phone.

"Jinyoung, what did you call me for?" Jaebum asked, sick of Jinyoung's teasing.

"Oh right, me and Mark just got engaged!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

"Holy shit, really?!" Jaebum exclaimed, he had been expecting them to get engaged for a bit now because the couple had been together for over 5 years and Jaebum was always telling them to get married already but he got really suprised when he finally heard the good news.

"Yes and we're coming in to town tomorrow to celebrate with you and the gang!" Jinyoung said happily.

"The whole gang? We haven't been the whole gang since like..3-4 years ago!" Jaebum was excited to meet his old friends but still a little afraid, what if everything wasn't like how it used to be.

"That's why it'll be awesome! Bambam and Yugyeom already agreed to it!"

"Wait you told them before you told your best friend-" Jaebum got interrupted by a certain dog owner.

"Jaebum hyung! Do you want something to drink?" Youngjae shouted from the door.

" No thank you Youngjae, i'm fine!" Jaebum shouted back, blocking the mic of the phone with his hand.

"Okay!" Youngjae replied and went back in after hearing Jungkook and Taehyung's whining after him.

Jaebum shook his head with a small smile on his lips and brought the phone up to his ear again.

"Aye Jaebum who's "Youngjae"" He heard Mark's mocking voice through the phone.

"I'm sensing a new couple in town~" Jinyoung said.

"Wait am i on speaker?" Jaebum asked as he noticed how both of them were talking.


"Well just so you know, me and Youngjae aren't anything more than friends" Jaebum said with a sigh.

"Sure sure, invite your crush to our celebration Jae!" Jinyoung said.

"Wait Nyoungie, are we really going to invite a stranger to our special celebration?" Mark asked in a low voice in the background.

"Yes Mark, now shut up because your lazy ass didn't invite anyone so i can invite whoever i want"Jinyoung said with a scolding tone which made Jaebum chuckle a bit.

"Sure i'll invite him but he's not my crush Jinyoung" Jaebum said.

"Whatever you say, i'll send you the location later, see you tomorrow~" Jinyoung said and hung up before Jaebum got a chance to answer.

Jaebum sighed deeply as he realized what he had just agreed to. He could've said no but his friends were getting married and who was he to let them down, like there's a rule about always pleasing the bride right? (Even though a part of Jaebum knew he just wanted more time to hang out with Youngjae)

"Youngjae will probably not even agree to it and if he does he'll regret it fast when he sees my friends.." Jaebum spoke to himself.

"I heard my name?"

Jaebum jumped with a very 'manly' scream.

"Where did that girl come from?" Youngjae mocked Jaebum with a laugh.

"You can't just creep up on me like that.." Jaebum mumbled.

Youngjae let out a soft laugh and shook his head lightly.

"Oh well but why did you say my name?" He asked.

"Uhm well my friends just gave me good news about getting engaged-"

"Oh my god, that's so cute! I'm so happy for them!"

"Ah really well they asked me to bring you to their celebration party tomorrow.." Jaebum said, nervous of what Youngjae would answer.

"Me? Really? But they don't know me! You barely even know me! I don't want to ruin a special night like that.." Youngjae said but it was clear in his voice that he was excited.

"Well it's your choice ofcourse! I would never want to force you-"

"No no it's not that it's just..wait how do they even know about me?" Youngjae questioned.

Jaebum could lie and make it less awkward but he knew that honesty was the best.

"Well Jinyoung, one of the fiancés in question, happened to hear you talk to me and is very persistant with me bringing you because he wants to meet you" Jaebum said, it was the truth but not the whole truth, Jinyoung also wanted them to be in a relationship.

"Oh that's so nice of him! Sure i'll come!" Youngjae said with a big smile but quickly ran back inside when he heard something crash inside.

"Jungkook! Taehyung!" He shouted with an angry tone on his voice as he made his way inside.

Jaebum chuckled a bit before he realized. He is going on a "date" with Youngjae and will probably be completely and utterly embarrassed by his group of friends.


A/N: Sorry for the super slow update!!

I've been trying to be active on Wattpad but school and my new kitten takes up almost all my time nowadays! This update isn't that interesting but i'll try harder with the next one!

Oh and my 2Jae fanfics almost always contains a little Markjin so i'm sorry Markson shippers :( <3 (others as well but it's usually the Markson shippers that comment about it )

Ily <3

- M

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