Chapter 2

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Alyssa's P.O.V.
​​​​​I button the last button of my shirt and start to do my makeup to help cover up the bruises. When I'm finish I throw on my sunglasses and grab my purse and make my way to my car. I open my door and set my purse in the passenger seat. I close my door and start the ignition. I back out of the drive way and drive over to the Mystic Grill. I atopthe car and grab my purse and get out of my car. I press the lock button on my keys and walk into the place. I take a seat up at the bar. "Give me the strongest thing you've got." I say while not trying to rubmy face. "It was worse than the last time wasn't it?"Matt asks concern filled in his voice. I nod my head yes. He sets the drink down in front of me and I take a small swig of it. "Go into the back room you're not going home tonight." Matt says through gritted teeth."But I'll get an even worse punishment if I don't go home." I say in distress. "I don't care. I'll deal with him myself if I have to. Now go into the back room and get some rest. There's no fighting me on this Alyssa he has been going way to far and he's been getting worse." Matt states. I leave my half-filled frink on the counter when I'm halfway to the back room a wave of dizziness hits me and I almost but I feel a pair of arms catch. "Are you alright there love?" Klaus ask while looking down at me. "Let me go I'm going to get punish even more than I already will since Matt isn't letting me go home tonight."I shake his arms off of me and go into the back room and find a bathroom I go in and close the door behind me I lift my shirt up to inspect the bruises on my stomach they've gotten datker since last night.
"Alyssa hey-" Matt stars while barging in here. I try to pull my shirt downas fast as I can but it's too late he saw them. "Damn it Alyssa. Why do you keep going back to him after he does this to you?"Matt asks. Before I can open my mouth to speak he cuts me off. "You know what don't answer that. I'll be right back I'm going to get you another ice pack."Matt storms out of the restroom. I pull my shirt back down and walk out of the restroom and layon a small couch. Matt comes back with an ice pack and hands it to me. I re lift my shirt and press the ice pack onto my bruised stomach. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep. I feel myself being shaken awoke. When I open my eyes I see Matt standing over me. "Hey something has come up with Elena and I'm needed elsewhere. So I'm still not letting you go home but as much as I don't like this guy I asked Klaus to take you to his for the night and he obliged."Matt takes the ice pack off of my stomach and helps me up. He leads me to put the back room to outside of the grill where I see Klaus waiting. "Matt here told me of the situation so looks like you'll be spending the night with me." Klaus opens the car door for me and Matt lets me go. I slowly walk to the car trying not to fall over. Once I'm safely inside I buckle my seat belt and Klaus closes my door. He gets in on his side and starts the car up we back out of parking and start our journey to his home. When we pull up to his home my jaw drops in amazement.
​​​​"Close your mouth love or you'll catch flies." Klaus says with a chuckle. I close my mouth but my eyes are atill wide. "Take my arm and I'll give you a tour of the place."Klaus says. I take his arm and we walk to the door. Klaus gets his key and opens the door. He lets me enter first when I step in I'm amazed yet again. "Wow."I say in awe. "Beautiful isn't it?" I hear Klaus say from behind me I nod my head yes and continue looking around. "Come one love let's start that tour." I take Klaus's arm again. And he leads me to what seems like the dining room. When the tour is over Klaus leads me up the stairs. "This right here love is the guest room. My room is two doors down you can knock on my door if you need anything." Klaus explains. With that Klaus leaves to his room and I enter the guess room. I look around and I'm in awe yet again by how beautiful this room is and everything else in this house.

​​I kick off my shoes and get under the covers lay down careful not tolay on the bruised side of my stomach. I try to close my eyes only to open them back up again. I huff in annoyance and just lay there. An hour later and I still can't see. I get up and walk to Klaus's room I lightly knock on the door. "Come in." I hear him say. "What's the matter?" He questions. "I can't sleep I answer back. "Well you can sleep in my bed love I'll be up for a while." He admits. I nod my head I shut his door first than walk over to his bed pulling back the covers and get in. I lay on the non bruised side of my stomach and get comfortable as I can be. I feel my eyes start to get heavy and soon I stop fighting to keep them ooen and I fall into a deep sleep.

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