Part 3: Everybody Loves a Clown Part 2

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She saw Dean lean back and smirk out of the corner of her eye while Mr. Cooper looked them over.

"Let's start with a trail run. See how you handle things." He agreed.

Dakota smiled, "Thank you, sir." She stood up and walked out of the trailer then realised a sigh of relief that her plan had worked.

"So that whole 'I don't want to go to school' thing back there. Was that just for Cooper or did you really mean it? Cause, you've always talked about going to college one day." Sam pointed out as he followed her out of the trailer.

"Yeah and when I was twenty and thought I had a chance of getting out of this life I did. I thought that one the demon was dead and the fat lady sings, I could go to a normal life, but I don't know if it's worth putting the people I will meet at risk." Dakota explained.

"I'm having second thoughts about going back." Sam confessed and Dakota looked at him in shock. "I just think Dad would have wanted us to stick to the job."

"Since when do you give damn about what Dad wanted?" Dean asked coming out of the trailer a minute later than them, "You spent half of your life doing what he didn't want."

"Since he died, okay? You have a problem with that?" Sam snapped.

"Knock it off. I realize that your methods of griefing are different and are clashing, but we have a job to do. Four people have been murdered by a disappearing clown. Those children are now orphans. You guys can subtextually fight over who Dad loved more later."

"Subtextually?" Dean asked.

"Yes. Subtext. You are fighting over everything, but underneath it all, that is the question it boils down to. Get over it and do the job!" Dakota snapped.


Their first assignment was to throw on the circus windbreaker and start cleaning up trash around the circus which gave them a great excuse to move around and scan for EMF. So far Dakota had come up with nothing on her section of rides and games and she also hadn't seen any clowns, murderous or otherwise.

A guitar solo started playing in her pocket, she pulled out her phone and saw Sam's name.

"Hey." Sam said quickly, sounding very nervous.

"Hey. You okay? You sound like you saw a clown," Dakota joked.

"Very's was a skeleton in the funhouse. A real human skeleton. What if the spirit isn't attached to a cursed object? What if it's attached to it's own remains?" He asked.

"Did the bones give off EMF?" She asked.

", but..." He stuttered.

"We should check it out anyways. I'll head over to you, you call Dean. We'll meet in five." Dakota instructed.

"What is with you taking the reins today? Who are you and what have you done with my twin?" He joked.

"Shut up." She joked before hanging up.

Sam and Dakota stood outside of the funhouse waiting for Dean who showed up a few minutes later with a pout.

"What took you so long?" Sam asked.

"Long story." Dean said.

Dakota was about to make a joke when she heard a little girl's voice say, "Mommy, look at the clown!"

All three of them whipped around to look at her, "What clown?" Her mother asked.

They ran over to where the little girl had been pointing before her mother dragged her and saw that the clown was gone.

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