Kid grabbed mine and I grabbed his. I put the ring on his finger and he did the same to me. We smiled into each others eyes and stein continue.

"Do you Death the Kid take Elizabeth Snow Kannagi Storm to be you wife?"

Kids eyes never left mine and he smiled got bigger. "I do" "And do you Elizabeth Snow Kannagi Storm take Death the kid as you husband".

My smiled grew a little but not as big "I do" I said. "Don't anyone object, speak now or forever hold your peace" said stein and me and kid looked around. But NY sister had a crossbow in her hand Incas someone said it and trust me, they was scared.

"Then we can continue, by the power invested by Lord death him self" said stein and I smiled. "I now pronounce Husband and Wife, You may now kiss the bride" said stein and kid picked me my bridal style. I giggled as I put my arms around his neck.

"I love you snow" said kid and I was so happy

"I love you to kiddo" I said and we kissed and there was cheering and crying. We pulled away and kid didn't put me down. "Kid you can put me down now" I said and he smirked "why I love to carry my wife" he said and I smiled.

I gave in and he summoned his skateboard and flew up to the after party which was at the school.

~time skip~

Kid landed on the ground and he put me down carefully. We both walked into the school hand in hand, and then there was the after party!! It looked beautiful. Everyone was congratulating both of us and everything.

We sat down at our table and everyone went up to the stage and congratulating us and my sister went up. "I ha e a few things to say, Eliza you are strong and so sweet to everyone but I just want to say I hope you'll be happy and Kid protect her cause she is stubborn. But most of all I want to dedicate this stop to my big sister" said Rosa as the music played

After when she finished, I was crying tears of joy. Kid rubbed my back to calm me down a bit. I went up and smiled. "I want to thank everyone who I know and love here in death city. To be honest, when I first came here I didn't really care about finding someone but that all changed when I saw kid staring at me on my first day!" I said and every one laughed a little.

"I wouldn't be here without him or my sister or my friends, so thank you and I will sing this song" I said as the music played.

As the music go slower but softer, I sat down next to kid with a smiled on my face. "Want you in my life" I sang the last key as I put my head on his shoulder. Everyone started to clap and cheer, kid kissed the top of my head and I could tell he was smiling.

"Time for cake!" Rosa screamed snf I ran infront of her. I let everyone get a piece of cake and kid got two plates, "did everyone get a piece?" I asked and the all nodded. "Go ahead sis" I said as I quickly was back at kids side. Everyone started to eat the ice cream cake.

I feed kid my cake and he does the same, I turn around and see the rest of the cake gone. I ram up the stage and I swear all the girls looked at me "okay its time for me to give this to the next girl!" I said and turn around and throw it over my head.

"I got it!!" I turn around and see it was me sister. I skilled and soul blushed "what's wring soul, to soon?" I asked and everyinr laughed. I went down and music started to play but it was slow. I was grabbed by kid and we danced.

I kissed kid and pulled away. They everyone started to dance.

Me and the girls danced to Boss, No, One to step and many more. But sadly the party ended at 8.

I was packing my stuff for my honeymoon with kid and my sister was smiling. We was about to leave but I turn to my sister first "here Rosa, since we collected 99 souls I gotten a which soul for you" I said and she ate it quickly.

She was a Death Scythe now and soul was whining. I walked back to kid as we waved good bye and stuff.

I fell asleep and see kid flew us to Paris France! We both got the honeymoon suite and got comfy.  Me and kid graduated early out of the school and so did the rest but we still did studys. Kid walked over to me as I took off my hair clip and my hair was fully down.

He bend down to me level and I kissed him

~Time skip cause im not doing a lemon you perverts😂~

I lay my head down on kids check and closed my eyes and smiled when instill felt my ring on my finger.

"Goodnight Kiddo" said i said

"Goodnight Eliza, I love you" said kid and I hug him tighter.

"I love you to" I said as fell asleep

Okay one more chapter and im done with this book!!!! By my lovelies luv ya!!❤❤❤❤❤

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