Introduction to Woodbury

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(Jean's Pov)

Well me names Jean Blake. Me da's name is Phillip, but noone calls him that. Everyone calls him The Governor. I hate it in this stupid little town called Woodbury. I'm 23 years ole. I have a lil sis named Penny. She was bit and changed awhile ago. Da just thinks she's sick. I know she's dead, so I don't agree with da keeping her in a closet. Today we're going out on a run. Martinez and me are teamed up. Ceasar has a huge crush on me but i don't see him like that. Yeah he's cute but he's my da's little asskisser who follows his orders like a lost puppydog. I hate wimpy men. Most people see me as a bitch but i'm the Governor's daughter and the best shot of the whole town. I shoot bows, and guns. I love me bow most of all because me ma gave it to me for me 18th birthday. I loved me ma but had to kill her when she bit Penny. I was gonna kill penny too but da stopped me. Penny was always his little angel, and I was just a mistake. No really I was a mistake, they didn't plan me I just happened. Of course they planned Penny though. I know all my da's dirty little secrets, he doesn't know I know though. When he goes to sleep I look around and find things. "Jean!" "What?!" "Thank god your okay." "Why wouldn't I be Cea?" "We just found an injured man, you'll have to ride with your dad." "Damn. Thanks for the warning Cea, I owe ya." "You owe me huh?" "Not like that ya pervert." He just smiles at me. I sigh and say "Better get this short ride back to hell overwith." Cea just laughs at me. "Shut it Martinez or i'll tell me da about ya hittin on me." he shuts right up. I just laugh. I get in me da's truck. I look out the window the whole time and ignore me da. he does try to talk to me but I don't take the bait. "Jean you do know you'll have to help treat the injured man right?" "yeah I know." "Good." I just huff and go back to lookin out the window. As soon as we are back to hell I jump out of the car and head straight to our makeshift hospital. I get it all set for any kind of injury of the unknown man. As soon as I'm finished Martinez and another one of da's goons bring in the injured man. They set him down on the chair. I see he cut his hand off for some unknown reason and has lost alot of blood. "What blood type are ya?" "B+" I end up giving him some of the blood bags because noone alive in the entire town is B+ right now. Me ma was but she died, Penny was too. I also have to fix his wrist up so he won't get an infection. I see Cea is still standing there. "Ya can go Martinez he can't hurt me with how much blood he's lost." "Your dad told me to watch you." "Cea I've got it go." He sighs and leaves. "Dear lord and he wonders why I won't date him. Damn asskisser, lost puppydog, pussie-baby" "You sure got a mouth on ya sugartits." "Call me sugartits once more and ya won't have a mouth on ya." He just smirks and says "I like ya already." i scoff. "We'll see how much ya like me when I gotta work on yer wrist." He looks from me with a knife to his wrist. "You ain't gonna do what I think ya gonna do with that knife are ya?" "Why ya scared?" "Me, Merle Dixon, a DIXON, scared of something. No way." "Suit yourself, guess ya don't want no pain killers fore I start." "Now I didn't say that. I said I ain't scared not that I don't feel pain." I smirk and give him a shot of pain killers. "Alright i'ma start." He nods not feeling a thing. I reopen his wrist and clean it out. I then close it up really good. "That should do ya." I smile. I look over the man. "So what'dya say your name was again?" "Merle Dixon. What about you Sunshine?" "I'm Jean Blake, nice to meet ya." he just smirks. "So how old are ya?" "I'm 23. Ya?" "Ain't tellin." "Alright then. So ya got anybody left?" He kinda looks down. "My lil bro Daryl." "I had a lil sis named Penny but she got bit by our ma. I had to put me ma down after that. Penny turned and tried to eat me." I sigh and don't give anything else away. "So Daryl real young like Penny was or he older?" "tween you and me." I nod. "Cool. So i'll make ya a bed in here til we find ya a place of yer own." "Where is here exactly?" "The town's called Woodbury, run by a man called The Governor. Yer in the makeshift hospital at the moment, where I stay." "you stay in the hospital?" "yeah. I refuse to stay with HIM." "Who's him?" "Me da. Damn dumbfuck almost got me killed, he couldn't kill me ma. And he's always favored Penny his little angel while i'm a fuckin mistake." I grr-sigh and turn around. "It's alright, ya know. I didn't like my asshole dad either." "Well now we've got something in common." "That we do. So what's up with you and that Martinez guy?" i scoff. "Nothin the jerk has a fuckin crush on me but i don't go for my da's little whinny, lost puppydog, pussie-baby, asskissers." "What do ya go for?" "Real men, but there's none of them here. I like a bad boy willin to stand up for himself or atleast what he believes in. Even if what he believes in is nothin good." I sigh. "this way for yer bed." He follows me. "Hope this is good enough it's all I've got. I'll be over there if ya need me during the night. See ya in the morning Mr. Dixon." "Merle." "What?" "Call me Merle." "Okay, goodnight Merle." "Night Sunshine." I smile and head to bed. I like Merle, he's orginal. I wake up to me da talkin to Merle. I stand up and walk over them. "Good morning Merle. How's that wrist feeling?" "Better than yesterday." "That's good. See ya met The Governor here." "Yes. He was talkin about maybe gettin someone to make me a metal wrist." "Oh really and who'd he say was gonna do that?" I ask turning toward me da while saying it. "You Sunshine." I sigh. "Yeah I will. Oh and Governor, next time, ask me." He just turns and walks away. Merle asks "You get away with talkin to the leader like that?" "Well since that leaders me da yeah." He spits out the water he was drinking. "Your dad's the Governor?" "yes, sadly. But anyway it's not like he's the same man that was me da. This world's changed him." Merle nod. "So Merle wanna help me pick out the metal for yer wrist?" "Sure. I got one question though." "And what's that?" "Why do you have a very slight Irish accent while your dad doesn't?" "Me mum was Irish. I got it from her when she taught me how ta talk. Da didn't do shit, but he taught Penny how ta talk. Anyway back ta metal choosin." We walk out back ta the metal yard. "Okay we want something tough and durable, but also not too heavy. We have ta be able ta attach a knife ta it." He nods and walks around "How bout this?" I walk over ta him. I feel it. It's pretty heavy but durable. I take a nail and scratch it. "Not tough enough and too heavy. Here take a nail and if the nail scratches it, don't get it." He nods and takes a nail. I find one that's not too bad. Merle asks "I think I got one. Wanna come see?" I walk over ta him. I pick up the piece. Good weight. I can't scratch it with the nail. I lick it. "Why'd ya lick it?" "See the make up. If it has a certain taste it means it'll rust, this one won't. This is the one." He nods. He takes it from me. I smile at him. We head back ta the hospital. "Okay lets take it ta the back room." He nods. I bring it back ta the heatin table. "Okay once I heat it I only have a little bit to shape it ta yer wrist." "Okay lets do this." "Okay but no moving the metal'll be hot." He nods. I heat the metal and bend it around ta fit his wrist. I pull it off so it don't stick ta his skin. I fix it up and make sure he can screw a special knife I made into it. Merle has just been watching me this whole time. "Okay Merle come try it on." He comes over and puts it on. "Nice fit." "Good. Now I can't give ya the knife yet otherwise my da'll shit bricks and i'll be watched like a fuckin baby by Martinez." He nods "It's alright girly." I smile. I walk over and hug him. "I feel like ya get me Merle like noone else." He just scoffs and pulls outta me hug. He just walks outside. I sigh. "Damn mouth why can't ya ever fuckin shut up ya tard." I cleanup the stuff and extra metal. I pull on me hoodie. I walk outside and pull me hood up. I fuckin hate it here. I slip through the secret space. A walker will never find it or get through but I can. I found it on a walk at night. I decided not ta tell bout it after I figured out it wasn't a threat ta us. I always have me weapons on me but not this time. I keep me head down. I head ta the lake not far from our little town. I sit by the lake and just look out at it. I watch the sunset. I turn around and a walker is there. I scream. I take off runnin. I scream again when I see a bunch of walkers. I keep runnin. I hear fast moving footsteps coming at me. I see Merle and Martinez. I run straight towards 'em. A walker grabs me and I get outta its hold and another grabs me. Merle saves me. Him and Martinez take down the walkers. I'm cryin shakin up. Merle pulls me ta him and starts ta lead me back ta town. Martinez asks "How the fuck you get past us on the wall?" I just sniffle and cling ta Merle more. Merle says "I think she's too shook up to tell ya brownie." I pull Merle close and whisper "I'ma pass out." Then I pass out. I come to in the hospital with Merle sittin next ta me and me da watching us with Milton and Martinez. I sit up and hold me head. "What the fuck happened I don't remember nothin but the sunset then running away from walkers a whole lot of 'em?" Me da says "Merle and Martinez went and saved your ungrateful ass from being eaten. I told you no more outside the wall." He turns and storms away "Me asshole father for ya. So Milton I okay or what?" "Your fine Jean." "Thanks Miltz" He nods and leaves. I turn ta Cea. "Thanks for saving me Cea. Now I owe ya twice." He smiles. He frowns at Merle. I look between him and Merle. "It's okay Cea. Ya can go. If he wanted me dead he wouldn'ta saved me." Cea nods and says "Glad you're okay." He leaves. I turn ta Merle. "Thank ya for saving me. I owe ya." "No ya don't. I couldn't have saved ya without my metal wrist. And anyway ya saved my life with the blood. I owed you." I nod. "Well thanks anyway." He nods. He goes ta leave but I grab his hand. "Stay with me?" Merle sits back down. "Fine, but your daddy comes in i'm blaming you." "Go ahead he already does. It's not like he really cares. He never comes in here ta see me. This was the first in a long time he's ever cared enough ta check on me. I bet ya, Martinez, and Milton had something ta do with it." He asks "This aint the first time you been almost bit?" "Naw. We had an outbreak in the beginning. I almost died but Riley saved me by sacrificing himself so I could get away." I sigh. "Riley was me best friend and da hated him." Merle nods. I sit up on me bed. I walk ta my room. "Ya coming?" Merle follows me. I get into bed. He just kinda stands there. "Well get in bed." He gets in bed. I snuggle up ta him. "Night Merle." "Night sunshine." I smile and go ta sleep, finally feeling safe since the world ended.

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