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~Must be love on the brain~ That's got me feeling this way...
She promised to keep his secret so God help her, but in the past several weeks there had been a shift in her emotions, a paranormal switch in her hormones. His and her love making was limitless. He was her first true experience. There was one before him, but nothing like him. It was his scent that drove her crazy. The first time she inhaled she was hooked, she inhaled so deep that whatever precautions she had before their encounter mysteriously disappeared.
His testosterone was a magic potion that knocked her to her knees leaving her at his mercy. She was the slave and he was the slave master. All it took was one whiff and she was under a spell that made her want to latch on every time she was given the opportunity, in his pickup, during dinner, at the movie theater in the last row. No place was off limits and his size was perfect too, not too small, nor too big, medium would be a better description, caramel colored and smooth... Her mouth watered every time she thought of blowing him. And he wasn't complicated, or hard too please, he seemed to blow easily...

"This is how porn stars perform!" she thought.
"This is how you hook a man!"
she thought.
She felt like a Goddess and so this became her secret weapon and every once in a while he would want to feel her flesh and she obliged without hesitation. Everything was perfect during the night, but come morning, a shift would occur and a change of direction would come like a strong wind.
"You know I can't stay!"
"Please stay!"
"Don't be like that!"
"Like what?"
"You know what it is!"
And he would leave as easy as he came. However, the past several weeks had been harder than usual so she confided in him thinking he would he thrilled but all she heard was crickets.
Soon she was no longer summons to please. Disoriented, she thought,
"Fuck it! I am not to blame!"
"You said, you loved how I made you feel!" she screamed into the air stoned. " You said you cared!"
"So... fuck it!" "Hello?" "Shelia?" "Yes?" "I'm pregnant!"
"who is this?" "Your husbands mistress!" It beats me black&blue but it fucks me so good and I can't get enough... ~MUST BE LOVE ON THE BRAIN~ #ShortStory #Wednesday with #ShalanieYPowell reading group #laingang👑 #realityfiction #readbooks #aboutus

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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