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I rode the taxi and sent a message to kim telling here that i am heading to the airport and that she should take care of everything and not telling BTS specially Taehyung about my flight today.

I rode the taxi and sent a message to kim telling here that i am heading to the airport and that she should take care of everything and not telling BTS specially Taehyung about my flight today

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Arrived at the airport and finding my way to my gate. When suddenly my phone rang.

" Oh it's Hobi, Why would he call?" I said to myself.

" Annyeong haseyo, neh Hobi why did you call? Is there any problem?" I asked

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" Annyeong haseyo, neh Hobi why did you call? Is there any problem?" I asked.

" Neh noona, Annyeong haseyo. Well, Actually Taehyung is not at himself today, did you fight? Or is there something wrong?" he worriedly asked.

" Ah, aniyo well maybe he hasn't got a good sleep. Have you talk to him?" i asked.

" Ani, Keunde why am i hearing paging in an airport? solma? are you in the airport??????" he screamed.

" Ahh, ani ani.. Hobi jebal, don't tell anyone. please!" I begged.

" Noona, mianhe it is too late, you are in a loud speaker taehyung heard it all and now running to the airport now." the last word i heard from Hobi.

I switched off my cellphone so nobody will call me. I hid myself somewhere that unnoticable by people. 

Taehyung arrived at the airport and asking the gates for the flights heading to dubai, he ran from here to there trying to find Xandria in the crowd while covering himself in the public

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Taehyung arrived at the airport and asking the gates for the flights heading to dubai, he ran from here to there trying to find Xandria in the crowd while covering himself in the public. Trying to call the cellphone of Xandria, just in case she opened her phone. Just a few minutes that Taehyung arrive in the airport Jimin, Jungkook , Kim and Hobi went to follow him and decided to help him find Xandria, they tried all the gates but still can't find her. Dialed her number a couple of times but can't reach her.

" Final boarding call to all passengers heading to dubai, the gates will be closed at 5 minutes"

Hearing this kept my heart stop a bit, I saw him having a hard time finding me, I saw him for the last time running to see me, but i decided not to see him and went inside the plane. 

Waiting for our plane to depart

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Waiting for our plane to depart. Now there is no holding back I am really leaving everything here. As i watched the window my tears started to pour like rain.

Taehyung and the rest ran as fast as they can to the gate that i have passed and unfortunately they didn't get the chance to stop the flight. As our plane departed it left Taehyung devastated, broken, angry and crying.

 As our plane departed it left Taehyung devastated, broken, angry and crying

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Once upon a Day Dream (BTS STANS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora