"Please?" she asked quietly.

He rolled his eyes at her, but started to leaning in closer when there was a knock on the door. Newt sighed and reluctantly got up, looked through the glass hole, and then opened the door.

"Yes?" he asked, opening the door just a smidge.

"Mail for a...Newt Scamander?" he gave it to Newt.

"Alright, thank you, that'll be all-" Newt was eager to shut the door when suddenly the squawk of a bird filled the hallway.

"Mercy Lewis, why-" He didn't even finish. He looked too annoyed at how their luck was going today. Tina knew exactly how he felt.

"Woah!" the mailman yelled, ducking as the owl swooped towards the door and landed on Tina's shoulder.

"Is that yours?" he asked uncertainly.

"Oh, um yes," Tina stammered. "Sorry about that, thanks, bye!" and she quickly shut the door.

She rested her back against the door and ripped the envelope of the letter. "It's from Queenie!" she exclaimed.

She made sure that no one was outside the doors, so it wouldn't distract people if it was Queenie starting to yell at her again.

She opened the letter and closed her eyes, ready to cringe, but she found it wasn't animated at all. It was just ink. She felt the paper, confused. She didn't even remember the last time they hadn't used animated letters. She started to read, and she felt the color draining from her face.

"Tina?" Newt was immediately by her. "What is it?"

She looked at Newt, and she knew that he wouldn't let her travel with him anymore if she let him read the letter from Queenie. She smiled at him. "Jacob and Queenie are coming to the Caribbean!" she said, feeling herself force away her panic rising, quickly building by the second.

He frowned. "Oh," he said. "And you're sure there was nothing else in the letter?"

"Nope," she said firmly. He raised his eyebrow at her, but seemed to let it go for now. But he still looked sad.

Now she was confused again. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said quickly. "I guess I just thought this trip was going to be the two of us together- but I love Jacob and Queenie, they're like family, and-"

"Yeah, me too," she said, smiling as she sat down. "Well, let's spend the day doing whatever we want together," she suggested. "I mean, we are in the Caribbean."

He slowly started to smile. "Sounds perfect," he said, slowly leaning toward her.

She smiled, looking down, happy that she had distracted him. She settled into the familiar position of her arms around his neck, and breathed him in. He pulled her closer. "Don't you think for a second I've forgotten," he murmured, kissing her on the forehead.

She sighed. "There's nothing-"

He pulled back. "I'm finding out what's in that letter."

That was it. She needed to distract him more. She quickly grabbed his hand. "Come on, we're going out!"

He shook his head. "Tina-"

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