Foreword from the Authors

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In unison: "Welcome, dear readers!"

Silver: "This is Margo." *points to Margo*

Margo: "And this is Silver!" *points to Silver*

Silver: "Alright, we have a lot to cover, so... we should probably get started pretty soon."

Margo: "So firstly, I'd like to thank my talented partner in crime, Silver, over here." *points to them*

Silver: "Oh, thank you!"

Margo: "-oh wait, I forgot this is digital and you can't SEE us... But know we are smiling!"

Silver: "And I'd like to thank my LOVELY, AMAZING fellow freelance writer, Margo S. Winters!" *jabs roughly in her general direction*

Margo: "Aw, thanks! *puts hand over heart* AHEM! Now, as I said, we have a lot to cover here. So firstly, we'd like to thank whatever genius came up with zodiac signs, because they have inspired us deeply to create this book. *ahem* astrologists."

Silver: "We would also like to thank Pinterest and Google for their lovely images that we have included on the cover and at the top of every chapter. Not to mention some DeviantArt-ists who will be mentioned when their artwork is displayed! If you have art you wish to have featured, please message one of us! We would happy to take your work into consideration."

Margo: "We would also like to give credit to the many artists who originally composed the music we feature in our chapters. For every chapter I write (all even numbered chapters excluding plus the prologue), I use a program called befunky photo editor, which can be found at And I do believe there is an app for it, but don't quote me on that."

Silver: "Margo and I are actually SWITCHING OFF CHAPTERS for this book, so I am of course doing all of the odd-numbered chapters. I will be using the Over photo editor app for all of my chapter images, which can be found in the App Store for those of you on mobile."

Margo: "If you ever get mixed up on who wrote what (kind of hard considering our differing styles) check the chapter image above next to the music video. It will have the book name, chapter number and title, and author name. We each make our own chapter images and choose the music- you will often see classical and piano pieces. But that may change depending on the message we try to convey in that part of the story."

Silver: "OKAY SO MARGO TOLD ME TO IMPROV SO I'm really not very good at this.."

Margo: "Yeah... this is a live manuscript, unedited, from Google Docs XD!"

Silver: "Yeah, since we're not too used to live-chatting it gets awkward... But you can see- I mean, TELL we're just best buds!"

Margo: "Ain't that the truth XD; I've known Silverfor almost two years now!"

Silver: "Relationship goals! :D"

Margo: "XD Where did that saying come from?"

Silver: "Well, sometimes when I don't know what I should say, I say what someone else would say! Like a valley girl in this case! Or an avid Tumblr user! Or something like that!"

Margo: "*sigh* Welcome to chaos, you poor children..."

Silver: "Okay, so just to clear something up, I'm actually totally an Aquarius, and Margo here is a bookwo- ahem, VIRGO! Although, once I took an online quiz that told me I was most like a Virgo... huh."

Margo: *shrugs* "Hey, I'm proud of my bookworm-iness. Don't hate, read instead." *winks*

Silver: "Well, Margo, do you think we've covered everything?"

Margo: "Hmm, I believe so... Although I feel as if we're forgetting something...are we?"

Silver: "Um, dedications? Do you want to dedicate this to anyone, Margo?"

Margo: "Well... no one that anyone on Wattpad would know. But I guess Celeste? (@-RosebyAnotherName-) She did help us with that final issue we were working through. I don't know. I really feel fine with dedicating it to the hummingbirds and snowflakes *cough* hint, if you know Silver on Smule, you will get that reference *cough*"

Silver: "Ooh, yeah! I get the reference! Okay, so... to the hummingbirds and snowflakes and Celeste and everyone else mentioned in this screenplay-authors'-note-thingie!" *raises glass filled with drinkable glitter*

Margo: "Don't get that stuff near me. I'll just throw a glass of shaved ice." *tosses pile of snowcone-filling nowhere*

Silver: "Sorry, I forgot you're allergic. *dumps glitter out and sloshes in molten silver* FOR SPARTA! I MEAN, THE HUMMINGBIRDS AND SNOWFLAKES AND CELESTE AND EVERYONE ELSE MENTIONED IN THIS SCREENPLAY-AUTHORS'-NOTE-THINGIE! Umm, Margo? I think I just snapped a vocal chord..."

Margo: "*deep sigh* Alright, I'll go get the surgical thread. Be right back! Oooh, and if you guys want more live google-doc chats, let us know! Also, I can verify that both of us are speaking live and this is not prewritten by just one of us. I mean, where's the fun in that :D"

Silver: "Uh, MARGO! Can I get a little help here?!"

Margo: "OOPS! Sorry! But we have to sign off! Don't leave me alone up here!"

In Unison: "Thank you all very much, we love you guys dearly- and we hope you all enjoy our innovation; The Fallen!"


Silver: "I kid you not, we were just about to publish this when we remembered!"


Silver: "And she calls me spastic..."

Margo: "Hey, you can't tell me that you don't love book trailers."

Silver: "Well, I guess you're right about that XD"

Margo: "Anyway, Silver made a trailer for The Fallen, attached at the top with the image I made. I hope you all enjoy it- I know I did! My favorite part was when the characters were represented! Leo and Scorpio look awesome!"

Silver: "All the credit can't go to me, though! I could never have made this trailer without good ol' iMovie, available in the App Store! And sorry for the horrible quality- we hope you'll be able to enjoy it anyway!"

Margo: "Now that we're FINALLY done, we hope you have lots of fun reading our collaboration!"

In Unison: "Enjoy!"

Update: We are aware that the trailer is currently not showing up. We are sorry for this inconvenience and will fix it ASAP.

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