Chapter 4: Apparitions

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I was instructed to sit on a white chair in the middle of the set while the lady pointed cameras at me in all different angles. The door opened, causing my head to snap in its direction.

It slowly opened to reveal a man with white hair, and a pair of black shades over his eyes. He was wearing a white suit and white shoes. It felt as if I'd seen him before. I shook my head to dismiss the thought.

"Is this her?" I heard him whisper to the lady who just nodded.


"Lira," I said.

He then walked over to a camera and the lady waved her hand prompting me to stand up. She then came and moved the chair.

"Can you pose for me, Lira?" asked the man. "Pose in any position you'd like."

I nodded my head and struck a pose with my hands crossed over my chest and I smiled a bit. The man smiled at me and whispered, "Nice," then captured the shot with the camera. After the flash, something wasn't right. The room was spinning and it felt like I was on a fast carnival ride. Suddenly, apparitions began flashing in front of my eyes. They were all bloody and mutilated. There was a boy with pale, slimy skin and there was a woman with a baby that had no eyes. They all began to cry and scream.

The last apparition I had saw was the girl from before. She just shook her head and said, "It's too late," before I blacked out.

When I had come to, I was in a white room that had lights all around me. There was absolutely nothing besides the lights and me inside of the room.

"Hello," I said, but got no answer. Suddenly, the lights began to flicker in a sequence. It went with the one closest to me flickering first, and then it went in a straight circle.


I jumped at the sudden calling of my name.

I looked around, but I could only see bright lights and the white walls.

"You are our breakthrough to the world beyond, to the paranormal and psychological incomprehensive realm," said the voice. "The pill that we gave you was a Psychic Awakening Pill or PAP, and when you took it, the already thin boundary between you and the psychological world was destroyed. You can now see apparitions, ghosts, anomalies, supernatural occurrences as well as the future."

I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes in big drops. "No!" I screamed. "Why me? Why not someone else?"

"Because, you, Aliraven, is the reincarnate of the original true psychic... the first Aliraven!" said the voice.

"Charlie!" I called.

"He's not coming, Lira," said the voice

"Charlie!" I called again with my face full of tears. I was scared and confused. "CHARLIE!"


"CHARLIE!" I cried out desperately before laying on the floor in a sobbing mess. "Charlie."

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