"Haha thanks," I giggled. Jungkook came across the last page of my drawings and he found that there were only two empty pages left in the book.

"Oh, you're almost out of paper," he said. "Do we need to go get you some more?" He asked, looking up at me.

"No, no. You don't have to do that. I can go out on my own later," I said politely.

"It's okay. We can go out today and get you so more." Jungkook offered.

"Are you sure?" I questioned. I really did need more drawing supplies but I didn't want to make them do this for me.

"Yeah! We could even go now, if you want. The hyungs won't mind," he said, a small smile hiding on his face.

"I'd really like that," I said gently.

"Come on." Jungkook stood up and we walked out of his room. I followed him down the stairs and we entered the living room where Jin and Jimin were hanging out.

"Oh, hey Jungko--." They paused, seeing that I followed right behind him. They both stood up in caution.

"We need to go to the store," Jungkook declared.

"Why?" Jin asked, confused.

"Sophie is running out of drawing supplies and she's a really good artist," Jungkook said as he held up my book and pencil. I smiled sheepishly behind him and both Jin and Jimin's eyes moved from Jungkook to me.

They saw how relaxed I was and they relaxed as well.

"Um...ok," Jin said, looking at Jimin. "There's an art store I pass by occasionally when I go out. It's not far, walking distance," Jin said turning back to me. I nodded my head, saying that we could go there.

"I'll go see if the others want to go." Jimin left the room.

Soon, we all gathered in from entrance of the house, all of us but Yoongi. He was still upstairs sleeping.

I slipped on my light jacket as it started to get cold as the sun disappeared.

We stepped out of the house and it took my eyes a second to adjust to the lack lighting. The boys, though, were unaffected and they easily walked down the front steps. My eyes adjusted with the help of the moon and we began our adventure into the woods.

The store wasn't far and we all figured that a little exercise was good for us.

When we entered the art store, I walked to the sketching area. They had hundreds of different kinds of sketchbooks. Small, large. Thick, thin. White, black. Everything.

I grabbed a normal sized book and moved on to where the pencils were. My pencil, sadly, had come to the end of it's useful life, being put down at less than an inch long. It was time I got a new one.

I grabbed a couple of different pencils and a new eraser.

"What's the difference between these?" Taehyung asked, holding up two packets of pencils. One was $55 and the other was $15.

"One is charcoal and the other is normal graphite," I explained as I walked past him. He continued to stare at the pencils confused, his brain unable to wrap around the fact that pencils could be so expensive and different.

The other boys were doing the same; adventuring around. Namjoon picked up a packet of markers. He studied the packet and then somehow, the markers ended up on the floor. Namjoon jumped back at the loud crash the makers made. He nervously looked around and quickly picked the markers back up.

Jin had poked his head around the corner to see what the noise was.

"Maybe it's time to leave," I suggested as I walked closer to Jin. He nodded his head in agreement and motioned to the others that it was time for us to go.

Taehyung showed up from around a corner and held onto a book.

"Hey, look at this coloring book. It's got all of these cute pictures," he exclaimed with a smile on his face. "Can we get it?" He looked up from the book with a hopeful smile on his face. His boxy smile was just beginning to show.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Grab some markers on our way out," I said with a smile.

We walked to the front of the store and Taehyung grabbed his markers. I placed everything on the counter as the lady behind it started scanning it. I turned to Jin.

"Can I have my wallet?" I asked. Jin had brought a backpack with us and I placed my wallet in his bag.

"Yeah," he said as he slung the bag off one shoulder.

"I got it," Jungkook said as he walked past me to the counter. He pulled out his own wallet and handed the cash to the lady.

"No, you don't have to do that. It's going to be expensive," I warned. So far today, Jungkook had put me in this position twice. I always feel guilty when someone does something like this for me, even though I'm secretly glad they did.

Twice today had I felt this. Both because of Jungkook. I couldn't tell if he was just generous or what.

Thanks, Jungkook. I was actually worried I wouldn't have enough money.

I had left the house so quickly that I hadn't grabbed much money.

"Don't worry. I suggested that we'd get you new supplies anyway." When Jungkook turned back around I greeted him with a warm, thankful smile.

Jungkook placed the back full of supplies in Jin's backpack and we left the store.

Jimin was explaining how you could mix three prime colors to make almost any other colors, as we entered the forest.

The ground was soft below me feet and the relaxing scent of the plants filled my nose. Namjoon led the path in front of me and would occasionally stop to warn me of a root or plant to watch out for. The other trailed behind me, laughing and talking to each other.

A lone gust of wind threw my hair in all directions and I lifted my head up to see where I was going. I reach up and pulled the hair out of my face and my breath caught in my chest.

I stopped in my tracks, holding in my breath. Taehyung bumped into me from behind but I didn't budge.

"Huh?" Taehyung looked up, confused as to why I had stopped. Namjoon had also turned around to stare at me.

"Sophie?" Jhope asked, confused. He stood at me side. After a moment he realized I had been staring at something. He turned, following my gaze further into the woods.

My eyes were fixed on a figure, standing in the distance. Her white dress reflected the light from the moon and her red hair floated in the wind. She wore a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Hello Sophie."


Finally, I finished another chapter. I hope you liked it! If any of you are on BTS amino, check me out! (Link to my account: http://aminoapps.com/p/jpu6af )

Thanks for reading!!😊


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