chapter 1. «Danielle»

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I just woke up to my baby kicks. I'm 5 months pregnant and my little one loves kicking, I guess. I love it when she do that, it's like a connection with her to tell me that she is awake.

I checked the time. It's only 6am. I should be sleeping to have enough energy for my 2 hour job today. Yes, 2 hours. I work as a dancing teacher with my best-friend, Danielle Peazer, who is 18 years old, just like me. You might wonder, she dances while she's 5 months pregnant? Well, yeah, sort of. It's mostly like giving ideas to Danielle, but whatever. I will be more active when Darcy is born.

I roll out of bed, open the door and tip-toe across the hall, careful not to wake my room-mate, Danielle. Yeah, we live together.

I enter the kitchen slowly, but that's where I see Dan. She's already awake, preparing our yummy breakfast.

''Morning Danielle.''

''Oh there you are Zoe! Morning love.''

''What are you doing up so early?.'' I add in.

''We have to leave early today. Didn't I tell you that we are having special guests to teach dancing to?.''

''No you didn't. When were you going to wake me? Or were you going to leave me behind?.'' I tease.

''Just about now, but you woke up before thank god. I don't have to shout so much.'' She teases back.

''So you are calling me lazy..'' I smile.

''Oh come on! You are and you know that.''

I playfully punched her arm and she pouts, as if I hurt her. Well you see? That's why I love her.

''Who are these special guests, anyway?.'' I ask. We never really had special guests before.

''You will never guess who!'' She said, jumping up and down. My crazy best-friend ladies and gentleman.

I grab one of everything she cooked and I start eating my breakfast. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I turned into a piggy.

''I won't know if you don't tell me.'' I sighed.

She fills her plate. Dan's a piggy too, if I didn't mention that yet.

''Liam and the other four band mates.'' She's beyond happy and I wonder why.

Liam is her one year boyfriend, the one I never met yet. And the others? Oh well, I don't know. I heard from Dan that Liam is in a band quite much, but who ever thought that we will be working with them?.

''Oh that's cool. I'm going to meet him finally!.'' I got up and went near her and hugged, the girl who helped through-out my life.

''Yes, yes you are.'' she giggles.

''We better get ready.'' and after that, I ran to my room.

Everything happens for a reason // Harry Styles Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя