Day 1 : Movie Date

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27thNovember 2013

Jongin texted Jieun the place they want to spend their first time being a couple that evening.

He waited for her in front of the movie theatre with a box of popcorn and two bottles of water. One sprite and the other one is a plain mineral water (he knows she doesn't like carbonated water. How thoughtful).

Not long after that, he saw Jieun coming towards him. Wearing a baby blue coloured dress with a white cardigan and a pair of black flats. Her hair was decorated with a pair of baby blue hair clip that matches with her dress. What makes her look more beautiful than usual is when her long brown coloured hair was let go instead of being tied like she used to do.

"Hey." She greeted him with a smile.

Jongin immediately woke up from his thoughts as he flashed his warm smile to her.

"Hey." He said. "You look beautiful, Jongin." He praised her as they walked side-by-side.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." She chuckled.

He took out the ticket he bought just now and hand it to her.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly pushed the ticket to him.

"It's on me." He smiled to convince her.

She looked at him again, before she took the ticket in his hand hesitantly.

They entered the movie theatre and looked for their seat and waits for the movie to start.

Halfway through the movie, Jongin noticed Jieun's face. She looked like as if she's cold.

He took off his jacket and hand it to her.

"Here, I know you're cold. So, wear it okay?" Jieun said looking at her directly in the eyes.

"Won't you be cold too?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No. Just wear my jacket okay?"

She nods and wore the jacket. "Thank you." She thanked him with a smile.

The movie scene changed to a scene where a girl crying in the rain, watching her boyfriend leave her because her family didn't approve their relationship.

Jieun cried when the girl's family locked the girl up in a room to avoid her from meeting the guy again. It's just too hard for the both of them to be together.

Jongin looked at Jieun who was crying before his lips form a smile and held her hand. He took out a tissue that he got while buying the popcorn and drinks and wipes her tears.

Jieun looked at him as her tears dried up when he wiped it.

"Don't cry okay? It's just a movie." He said, smiling.

She nods and continues to watch the movie.

After the movie ended, Jongin brought her to a restaurant for dinner.

"That movie we watched just now, made me cry. If I kept it, I would've had a bucket of tears now." Jieun joked as she munched her food.

"I know. And if I let you cry continuously, the movie theatre will turn to a sea!" Jongin teased her earning a slap on his shoulder.

"You sure love to exaggerate don't you?" She laughed.

They spent that evening together as if they've been a couple for so long. They had a small talk about their works, hobbies and their favourite song genres.

After their dinner, Jongin drove Jieun to her house as they continue their chit chat in the car.

When they arrived at her front door, Jieun stopped as she smiled at him.

"I had a great time. Thank you, Jongin." She thanked him.

"Not a problem. Anything for my girl." He winked at her and kissed the back of her hand.

She chuckled and walked in the house as she bid goodbye to him.

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