Chapter 9 : Caught

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Michael's pov

Oh my god she's going upstairs. I stumbled to my feet quickly embarrassed slightly at my eager boyish actions.

What does she want to do?

Has she ever done it?

Am I getting my hopes up?

Do I want to do it?

All these thoughts raced through my head to quickly at once as I followed behind her, she was so quiet I guess that's how she got when she got...turned on

she walked down to my room door, Put her hand on the knob and then turned it swiftly in one motion.

My hands were sweating and my mind was swirling again, I turned around to shut the door behind me and by the time I turned around to face her she was standing facing towards my bed I thought of a charming thing to do quick and that was to wrap my arms around her waist. She gracefully twisted around in my arms to face me.

She gently pulled me down with her on my bed and her lips went everywhere and so did mine. My hands started to wander up her shirt, her vanilla and cocoa butter perfume started to linger around my clothes and soon both our shirts were off
her lace bra rubbed slightly on my bare chest as we both moved with each other

"Michaelll" she hummed in my ear

As her hands made her way down to my belt the door knob jingled and opened the moment made in time crumbled before me and soon Mia and I moved so quick off each other we didn't even see
who opened the door but as we were finally off each other the door slammed shut.

"Who was it" she said slightly out of breath while grabbing my comforter to cover her slight exposed chest

"I don't know but wait here I hope it wasn't my mother" I grabbed my button up threw it on and opened the door and ran slightly to the stair case to see a Afro and slim figure running down them

It was Marlon.

Mia's pov

What if it was his mother?

I know how religious his family is what if they think I'm a...slut?

As my mind conjured up these thoughts I stopped down off the bed to pick my shirt off the floor. I adjusted my look in his bedroom vanity and looked to the door and wonder if I should stay here and wait like Michael said or go out and see who it was

Whoever it was though is going to be uncomfortable when I'm around now.

My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to leave the room as soon as I opened the door I heard the muffled voices of Marlon and Michael yelling at each other as I inched closer to the stairwell still unseen by them I decided to listen in to their conversation

"Why are you even mad? It's not like you two were ever anything!" Michael said aggressively to him

"Just because Michael y'all always doin somthin" he snarled back

"No we ain't! That's's none of your business but still so what?"

"She's probably sleepin around mike, probably you and Donny! You just don't see it cause you're so damn infatuated with her !"

I gasped at how Marlon could say such horrible lies about me when I have done nothing to him god I was so furious at him

"Don't talk about her like that you know she ain't doing that!"

"You said that about Tatum but she did it"

I could tell Michael got quiet when he said that, I remember when Tatum and Michael had a thing she was going to fast for him and decided to go fast with someone else but still see him. That really crushed Michael when it happen, but I wasn't a Tatum and I'm not going to be compared to one! So I decided to emerge from the staircase right to them

"I am not like Tatum O'Neal" I said sternly

"Mia!" They both said stunned both of them flushed red I was red too but because I was so mad my cheeks turned pink

"Don't ever compare me to her I have much more self respect than she will ever have! I wouldn't hurt him like that either, Marlon you have no damn right snooping like this and for goodness sake leave me alone! I love you like a brother to me and I wanna stay like that but it's hard when you get like this I miss the old Marlon who would make fun of me and Michael I don't like this Marlon that's so mean all the time. Just cut it out" the tension in the room lifted slightly I was so relieved I finally said what I have been meaning to say all along

Marlon looked defeated, he looked down at his shoes and grinned "i was being dramatic wasn't I?"

"Just a little" I smiled knowing the old Marlon returned from jealousy

"I'm sorry girl, I just I don't know, don't worry bout' my reasons I'm sorry mike you know how I get when I get mad" he looked to Michael who was sympathetically looking at him too

"It's fine just don't be so mean" he said while playfully pushing him

"Hey man you wanna take this outside" he said equally as boyish while motioning punches

They both laughed at each other and I smiled to myself knowing they were fine again

"Alright I'll get back to where I was, and you two love birds can get back to getting it on up there" he said while walking backwards towards the door making lovey faces at Michael

"I'm gonna really knock you one liver lips" he said while laughing

"Same to you big noes!" By that time Marlon was already out the door

Michael out his arm around me and I met his eyes his voice became somewhat deeper / huskier to set the mood that once was

"So girl you wanna continue"

"Yes please"

He turned me towards the staircase and slightly pushed me towards them with his hands on my hips we went back up the stairs, down the hall and to his room.

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