"It's not so easy this time, he's done it before."

"I'm not sure what to say to that but I do know that you're going to need him, you're almost half way there. Would you like to see if we can tell what the baby is?"

"I would love to, but I'm afraid it's going to hurt."

He scans a few times and here we are staring at my baby. I'm hoping we can see but I'm scared of the one thing that will tear me to pieces. He gets one good look as my baby moves showing him exactly what we want to see. He looks to me and smiles, but it's short lived as I sit there in his office crying. I can't focus and I feel a panic attack coming on. He talks to me and it goes away, but his words are nothing but encouraging. He knows I'm struggling with this but he also encourages me to get with Harry and talk to him.

Once I'm home again I eat what I can and start to clean our house, I've let it go a lot. The dishwasher is running as well as the washer. Once those are going I start in our bathrooms and move around from room to room. The only thing I leave alone is the sheets on the bed he laid with Callie in. Once the cleaning is done I'm tired and lounging on the sofa. I know it's not that late but I head up to bed where I once again pass out.

In the last three week's I've taken up yoga and have been going to that three times a week. It helps me to focus and I feel better. I've been trying to avoid seeing anyone because there are few that know but I start to fill with nerves as I drive home. I'm not sure why I'm nervous to be at home but something tells me I may have an unexpected visitor.

Sitting in my driveway is a small car with plates that I don't recognize, but I go to the door. That's when I hear the car door open and a man step out. I turn to look at him and that's when I realize my grandfather is here from Russia. He comes in the door with me hanging his coat and leaving his shoes by it. He looks at me and I know we're about to have a serious chat.

"What brings you here?" I ask knowing he knows more then I think he does.

"Harry said he's messed up and he's not sure he can fix it." He says eyeing me.

"He messed up that's for sure, as far as fixing it I'm not sure either."

"Why don't you tell me what happened, are you with child?"

"I am with child. He cheated on me with my best friend."

"She's not a very good friend. How far are you this time?"

"You knew about the last time? I'm 22 weeks making me almost six and a half months."

"I've known about the last time. He called me to tell me about it. He was scared and needed some words of wisdom since his parents weren't exactly giving him any."

"How long has Harry been gone?"

"Nearly four months. I need help, what am I supposed to do?"

"Does he have any idea you're with child?"

"No, I only found out after I kicked him out."

"Take it from me when I say this, we men have flaws and our biggest one is what women like yourself and your friends do to us. Each girl is different and so are her needs. Some of us are good with the one we have, others need something they haven't found in the one lady."

"So, I'm not what he needs?"

"You're everything he needs but he had to have this happen to figure that out. Believe me him and I talk a lot since he's been home. You satisfy all his needs and it took his messing up again to figure that out. He hasn't been honest with himself about what he has and what he needs. He now knows what it is but he's messed up and you're unsure."

"So suddenly he knows what he needs but I don't?"

"Right, he knows that he needs you but he has no idea just how much you need him. Since you carry his child and he hasn't been informed he has no idea just what he means to you. Believe me when I say I've messed up too, but I've never cheated on my wife. He has to understand that as a young person both of you have to make the best of what's happening."

"I just don't know if it is going to be worth it, tell me what to do." I say to him as he hugs me in.

"I can't tell you what to do but I can give you advice. My advice to you is look deep inside of yourself and evaluate your needs. You love him it's clear to me but you must know if it's worth fixing. I believe it is and I know that you both will have times in life when you both wish you weren't stuck together but you are. Your parents saw something in both of you that made you the best match for each other."

"Maybe for me it's his flaws. He's always had any lady he's ever wanted and he's gotten what he wants out of her. Then he has me, maybe he's supposed to teach me to let go and go with whatever comes our way."

"Now you're getting it. Take the time after I leave here to think about what you want. Now that you carry his child you should consider what's best for both of you. I believe Harry will be a great father and man once he's had a reason to ground himself. This time away has been a challenge for him but he knows that it's all up to you."

"Thank you for this. I really needed it and I know he knew that. He's always thinking about me."

Together we eat and laugh but when he's ready toleave he tells me he won't tell Harry and that he's going to talk to him. I want to take a few more days to think aboutthis but I'm sure I know what we need.

Forced to be Mrs. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now