2. "We're going to take your city"

Start from the beginning

"So sad to hear about your brother's demise, Miss Valeska. Truly. He was a great villain. Truly a name to be remembered." He takes my hand and kisses it, and I let out a giggle. I have him. I'm going to crush him.

"Oh, yes... As soon as my sisters and I heard of his murder, we went straight to Gotham to enact our sweet revenge.. That bus incident that got me here? All to honor my sweet big brother!" I start cackling, remembering the screams of the cheerleaders and the flames as they burned to the ground. It was... liberating.

"Beautiful, really. Tell me, Miss Valeska. Are your sisters as... wonderfully psychotic as you?" He likes me. I can tell. I can see the lust in his eyes. The desire for such a deliciously psychotic girl like me. I love it. Soon, I'll have him wrapped around my finger.

"Oh, trust me. They are. Perhaps even more. We are our brother's sweet little prodigies. Tell me, I never caught your name--"

Everyone looks up as the little television screen flashes from the mindless show it was on, and all I see is my brother's face, blood covering his face, wearing a GCPD uniform. What makes me even more excited is the sight of my two sisters on either side of him. Both of them covered in blood as well.

I let a sick grin spread across my face.

"Helloooo Gotham City!"


I grin into the camera as Jerome goes on a trip down memory lane with those bone chilling words. We are inside of the GCPD recreating the massacre where Jerome killed the commissioner, Sarah Essen, all the while ago. Dead bodies litter the floor behind us, as we sit on one of the desks with one of our lackeys filming us. Blood covers our faces and stolen GCPD uniforms.

"Well," Jerome says, with a nostalgic look on his face. "I can honestly say that I didn't think that I would be doing this again. I didn't think I would be doing anything again, because of the, ya' know, whole being dead thing."

The three of us burst into loud, insane laughter, most likely causing people watching at home to flinch. Suddenly, as quickly as it arrives, the laughter stops. We stare intently into the camera and I begin to speak.

"If you thought that little Gazette massacre was anything to worry about, then you've got another thing coming.

"The thing is, you have something, or someone rather, that belongs to us. Penn Valeska, our sister. And we're going to need her back A.S.A.P!"

Jerome cuts in. "See, we don't just forgive and forget, per se. We're going to require some... compensation for all the complete distress you've put me and my lovely sisters here through- What kind of compensation you ask?"

"Well," I begin. "It won't be easy, but you took our sister from us... Now we're going to take your city."

The recording shows static as does every television in Gotham, and the only thing that can be heard over it is the fear inducing laughs of Jerome, Zöe and June Valeska.

"I think that went well," remarks Jerome, as we step outside the precinct. Turning around, we come face to face with three officers hanging from individual ropes, with various injuries. One man has his trousers ripped around his legs- which displays deep cuts down both of them, and they seem to have several fingers missing.

The other two have X's carved into their chests and a string of HAHAHA's in a circle around it, dripping flesh blood that collects in a pool on the ground.

"I have to say, it's very nice work Zöe," said June. "The mark is a nice touch." She traces the indentations with her finger and smirks.

"We should probably get out of here before those that got away get back up and come back here," I say gazing up at the hanging bodies. "Although I do wish I could see the looks on their faces when they're met with all this."

And with that, we speed away in our car to plot more destruction for the city of Gotham, leaving the citizens to wonder if all hope is truly lost.


I can't stop smiling. That was... Thrilling. No--that doesn't even begin to describe the feeling I have.

Chaos and killing--and announcing the future chaos and killing... What could be better?!

Jerome and Zöe put up quite the performance, although I wish I was more, well, included in the plan. That's why my plan makes me giddy with excitement as I'm explaining it to my siblings. We're currently sitting on top of our stolen car, cold evening wind blowing through my long, dark, red-brown hair.

Zöe seems cold until I get in depth of my idea. "It's... Genius!" she exclaims. "We're gonna blow this popsicle stand... And take a few people with it." Jerome looks up and exchanges an insane, happy look with me.

I'm smiling wider than ever- and I didn't even know that was possible! I'm glad to see maddening grins seeping off of the faces of my siblings.

"Brilliant," is all Jerome says.

It sucks that we have to wait in order to put my plan into action. Two days... It's gonna be worth it, though. We need to send a message. It's not the same without Penn.

Hang on, citizens of Gotham City, the Valeskas are coming.

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