Stay or Go pt. 2

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Lauren POV
I ran crying into my room, slamming the door behind me and causing the walls to rattle, my Dallas Cowboys poster falling off my wall, the glass shattering at my feet. Derek had always loved the cowboys, there was no real reason for it, my grandpa had always like the giants, but since a young age dad had like the cowboys and I wanted to be just like him. The poster was from shame he took me to when I was probably only seven, he got seats right in the front and we ate hotdogs and screamed our heads off. It was a wonderful memory and I walked over to the poster, brushing the glass off the frame and pulling out the poster. I wrapped it up and slipped a rubber band around it before slipping it into a backpack.

I packed up my important belongings into a diff ow bag and my backpack before heading downstairs. I wiped my eyes one last time before I headed into the kitchen. Aunt Jules was standing over the kitchen counter her head in her hands,

"Aunt Jules?" She wiped her head up towards me and rushed over to my side. I dropped my bags as she enveloped me into a hug.

"Oh Lo, it's going to be ok. I promise Derek was just blowing off steam. Your dad loves you and.."  I cut her off.

"Aunt Jules, I want to come live with you. I know dad really wanted to work in New York but I want to say here and your family and.." it was her turn to cut me off.

"Oh Lauren, hey of course you can come live with me but, I really think your dad is gong to come around. Why don't go you hang out in your room for a little bit I'll just be a second ok?" I nods my head and try to go back upstairs leaving my bags on the floor.

Julianne POV
I was furious, my niece was going to pack up her things and come live with me because she thigh her father didn't care about her anymore. I had a few choice words from my brother and I whipped out my phone to call him. Turns out I didn't have to as right as I was about to hit dial he can bursting into the room.

"Jules, oh god I screwed up. I screwed up so badly. I just I want my girl to be happy and oh god I screwed up so badly." Derek confessed tears falling down his face.

"Your right you screwed up, she heard you by the way, she heard her father say that he didn't want her before storming out of the building. What a great dad you are. She even was red to come love with me, look she packed her bags. She thought you weren't going to come home."
Derek looked at the bags laying at the bottom of the staircase in horror, he started to cry harder if that was possible as he ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

Derek POV
I had screwed up and now I had to fix it. I rushed to Lauren's room and flung open the door to see her sitting on her bed. She looked shocked at my presence.

"Lauren I'm so sorry for earlier, I really am I love you so much and o just got caught up in work and I forgot about you and oh Lauren I love you so much." I was ok the verge of tears and yet Lauren looked angry and she began to scream.

"NO, you don't get to do this! II don't get to hurt me and Aunt Jules and say such awful thing and then just say sorry and expect us to forgive you! You are my dad and your supposed to be there for me! And you weren't you were going to leave! Without me and...." tears began to fall as she lost her composure and started to break down, "I though you didn't want me anymore. I knew that mom had left but I didn't think you ever would and then you walked out and I heard you and Jules and... I though you were gone." She was full on sobbing and to be honest tears were falling from my end as well. I scooped my daughter into a hug and held her.

"Lo, I could never leave without you, honey I love you and no job offer could ever change that. Nothing in this world can change the over I have for you ok?" She nodded her head and smiled at me. " I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you." She smiled up at me and wrapped her arms around my chest.

"I love your too dad."

A/n Hope you enjoyed that! Please leave prompt requests in comments, otherwise I don't know what to write for you guys. Ok cool! Xoxo 💕💕

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