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The sky was gone and the world was grey and bleak. The wind, bitter against her skin as she curled up onto an old creaking bench that was positioned perfectly to gaze out and watch the harbor. The waves, soothing as they softly lapped a lullaby that caressed her ears and promised to sweep her away if she dared to get close enough for the embrace.


She thought to herself as she peeled her eyes away from the glittering waters and surveyed the simulation of people down below the docks, whom were going about their normal lives as if time had no meaning, no rush.

She was alone in this register of time, looking at dull people whom lived in a grey world just as dull as their being.

"How fitting" she murmured.

Her gaze moved onward, feeling a slight hum that danced lightly across her skin until a large crow had suddenly burst from the trees above. Its wings beating against the cold air, cawing wildly overhead as it swooped into the sky. It's eyes loomed over her with keen interest before flying swiftly away. In its wake It left behind an ominous feeling that made her stomach do a flip.

Startled, She stood up for a long moment and for reasons unknown to her the blood in her veins began to boil. Her eyes remained glued onto the crow until it was no more then a speck in the sky. Even when she could no longer see the crow, the world around her had blurred only for a moment, enough for her to fall back in step with someone who stood next to her.

Her head raised next to where she stood and looked up, a pair of blue eyes stared back.

"You again." She sighed wildly as relief began to flood her like water, dampening the fire in her veins. She still felt numb and uncertain while drawing in cold, damp breaths to cool her nerves. She couldn't explain what just happened and Unsure of herself, moved back to the bench as her dark brown eyes met the man.

"How did you get here?" She asked quietly.

Jahall stood in silence, his face blank as he stared off into the direction the crow had just left. Usually when he appeared it was in her dreams. But he was standing in front of her plain as day, unmoving instead of embracing her.

"You should go." He said silently, his eyes never wavering from the sky to look at her.

She frowned and her stomach did another funny flip. "What... Why? What's happening?" A cold chill coursed through her as she stood up and looked back into the sky, unable to see what he was.

"Jahall?" She moved closer, unable to do anything so instead she clung on to his arm, the need to hold on to something familiar growing. "I don't understand" she whispered with a frustrated edge to her voice. Then a large shadow fell over the both of them.

"You have to go, right now."  His voice was low and urgent as he stepped into her line of sight. She wanted to reason with him, argue, and as she opened her mouth to do just that and he reached for her. He plunged his fingers in her dark curly tendrils, gripping so hard she would have gasped if she could breathe.

"Leave!" Jahall's voice turned into something cold as his other strong hand had closed tight against her throat.

"Please.." His voice broke and for a moment she thought he was going to cry. Her vision fading in and out as the earth began to shake, crumbling apart piece by piece.

"Annabel Auten" a feminine, muffled voice called for her.

The FenGlass had slipped from her eyes, landing in her lap with a soft plopping sound that no one around her seemed to notice. When Bell went to pick up the smooth translucent, crescent shaped glass she stared at it, surprised. Wrapping her fingers gently around the FenGlass examining it, only to see that it had shut off.

Augury (Haze)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon