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Chapter two: Shopping


We were walking into Gringotts and exchanged our money into muggle money.

I told them that I had to go get a new bikini, because my old one was to small. Harry told me that he would go with me so I did not go alone. When we were walking away to the store I could tell that Ron was giving me and Harry a look.

"Hey Ron, Hermonie, we will meet you two at the burrow, when we are done shopping." I told them as me and Harry were walking off.

When we were done shopping me and Harry went to get something to eat.

Harry was eating and next thing I know he looks at me and smiles.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked him

"Nothing, just that I am looking at the most beautiful girl sitting across from me." He said.

I just looked at him and could not help but to blush. When we got done eating we dissapedated back to the burrow. Mum already finished cooking dinner and was calling everyone to go eat. Ron and Hermonie came in and we all ate and where ready for the next day.

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