camping trip

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Hey peeps its danielle here so I'm bored and I'm just gonna tell u the experience I had on a camping trip....THIS ALL HAPPENED A FEW DAYS AGO😁

ok so it was night and me and my dad went up 2 the showers with torches seaing as there is no lights in there and it was really dark...alright so we walked up 2 the showers everything fine and all that...and then we got to the guys showers and dad told me to just go around the corner to the girls, so I walked around the corner partly to were u wash dishes...when all of a sudden I hear something in the bushes coming my way, now usually I wouldn't b scared but its in a forest area, I was all alone in the dark, I had the worst torch there is, and something was coming towards me...and it sounded big, so I done the natural thing....I ran, i ran right into with the thing chasing me the whole time so I quickly  locked myself in there hoping it will leave, I was going to have a shower in my close when I hear a hissing, it sounded just like a snake. I froze, it sounded like a snake but I couldn't sea 1, I looked around trying to find the noise, it stopped but then their were the spiders, they were everywhere big small huge they were all there, the hissing started again so I ran, without having a shower, I ran outside waiting 4 my dad, I refused 2 go up there 4 the rest of the days, only having a shower when we went home. I told my parents but they didn't believe me, they thought I was imaging, so I just started joking around and saying it was Godzilla, but I steal didn't go near there cause even if my parents didn't believe me, I new watt I saw and heard

So yeah remember this is all real it really did happen to me there was not exaggerated or anything....if anything that's just a watered down version, so yeah😁 I shall never go back in2 that shower room again or near it.

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