The moment the door was opened I was hit by a wall of alcoholic fumes and the odor of tightly packed bodies. There was no music playing but there was a loud buzz of conversation as everyone wanted to be heard by their companions.

I was led to a table where another man was already seated. He wore a straw hat and a pink, floral ladies kimono over a white haori. He had long, wavy brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. He was draped lazily over his chair, his eyes half lidded and a huge grin curled his lips. There was already a cup in his hand and a bottle of sake on the table.

"Shunsui Kyoraku of Squad 8, this is Kyiomi, Kyiomi this is Kyoraku taichou," Rangiku said, sounding a bit impatient. He didn't seen fazed at being introduced, so I smiled.

Before I could get a word out he gestured to the chair beside him and, with an almost psychotic grin, asked, "Care for a drink?"


The hours flew by smoothly. The people around me were easy to talk to, especially as we became filled with more sake. I was drinking it as quickly as it was placed in front of me, and Rangiku made sure there was always a drink in front of me. Not that I minded. In fact, I welcomed the burn it sent down my throat.

I watched and laughed when countless men approached to flirt with Rangiku, and Shunsui flirted with just as many women, all with the flush of alcohol in their cheeks. Many looked afraid to talk with me, but those who did were good company. Men and women alike were flirting unabashedly and at the very least, it was entertaining.

I wasn't sure how long we'd been here, or what time it was when Matsumoto finally asked me if I was ready to leave.

"You can come to the barracks with me," she grinned brightly.

"Wait, what if your captain doesn't like me?" I asked. Shunsui and Rangiku both laughed.

"He doesn't like anyone," she jeered. "Come on."

"I'll walk with you," Kyoraku told us, his seemingly ever present grin still in place. I moved to stand and almost fell on my face. My companions started laughing and I couldn't help but join in, tears streaming down my face when I couldn't stop. It felt good.

After being pulled to my feet, Rangiku linked her arm through mine and pulled me towards the door. I made sure to grab Shunsui's hand when he stopped to talk to a young woman, giving him no choice but to stay with us.

"Kyiomi-chan!" He whined. "I was just going to chat," he said, feigning innocence.

"Yeah, and I'm a unicorn," I responded dryly. He tried to pout, but failed to stop the grin that appeared. He threw his arm around my shoulders. It was overly warm, but it still felt nice. I leaned contentedly his side as we walked.

Rangiku chatted idly about things I wasn't paying attention to, but she didn't seem to mind. A few people that were still out would stop and wave at us. One man, probably as drunk as we were, actually had the audacity to grab Matsumoto's waist and ask for a kiss.

"She can't, she's busy," I said, right before pulling her lips to mine. She had a sweet taste to her once you got past the sake. Rangiku was too stunned to react, but the men in our company were both staring intently as if trying to take a mental picture. When the stranger moved to take a step forward, Shunsui threw his arm around my shoulders again, causing me to lose my grip on Rangiku, and steered us away from him. I heard a whimper from behind us.

"Thanks for the show, Kyiomi-san," he said, smiling and winking lazily. I grinned in response. When I glanced back at the other half of our "show," she was blushing, but this time it had nothing to do with the sake she'd indulged in.

After a while we were standing in front of what I assumed was the tenth division barracks. I could barely stay on my feet, but Rangiku managed to drag me inside without me falling on my face.

"I'll be taking me leave now, ladies," Shunsui drawled before walking away. We waved in response.

"Come on, Kyiomi!" And after a second, "Oh, Taichooou!" She barreled through a wooden door leading into the office of a young looking shinigami. He had beautiful turquoise eyes and spiked white hair.

The look on his face switched from annoyance -towards his lieutenant- to shock -towards me.

"You... You got her drunk on her first real night back?" He shouted.

"Oh, lighten up, Taichou. She was tired of life and wanted to have a good time with her best friend. Me, being said best friend, had to help her out. You should be proud, Taichou!" She finished proudly. I watched his teeth clench and his brow twitch in response to her antics.

He was about to begin speaking when Rangiku continued. "Kyoraku Taichou was there with us too, so you can't get mad." She stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Of course he was," The young Taichou growled. "He's always there when drinking is involved." Matsumoto merely shrugged it off before pulling me to the only couch in the room.

"You need to take her home."

"I told her she could stay with me."

"Kuchiki is going to kill you."

"Why do you say that, Taichou?" She asked, trying to sound innocent. He was glaring daggers at her, but he made no further comment. I wasn't sure what to make of the cryptic exchange, but my muddled brain couldn't think too hard about it.

"I can leave if you don't want me here, Taichou," I told him, a pang of sadness bursting through me. I tried to stand only to have Matsumoto pull me down against her side again and throwing a glare to him. He actually looked shocked.

"Wha- what? No, that wasn't what I was saying! I-I just meant that-"

"What Hitsugaya-taichou meant was that there's gonna be a lot of people upset because you got drunk with me, including Kuchiki-taichou," Matsumoto finished, winking slyly.

"Why should anyone be upset?" I asked. The two shared a distinctly uncomfortable look that irritated me to no end, even through the haze of alcohol.

"I should be going now," I growled, standing up.

"Kyiomi-" Matsumoto began.

"Thank you for tonight. I'll see you later Rangiku-san, Hitsugaya-taichou." I started walking away before someone grabbed by wrist. I didn't look back to see who it was when I pulled away, I didn't care.

"Kyiomi-sama, let us walk you back to Kuchiki's place," Hitsugaya said quickly.

"Goodnight," I snapped before storming off. People were staring at me as I stomped through the Squad ten barracks to the outside, but I paid them no heed. I had no clue where I was going, nor did I care. I just wanted to find a place where I could clear my head and figure out what I was going to do with myself.

I started in the direction of the manor, but stopped around the sakura trees that I had been under eariler that day.  I let myself sink to the ground, lying on my back, staring up at the many beautiful stars I could see through the branches. The sight was dazzling, and had a soothing influence on my mind.

It wasn't quite soothing enough. There were too many "What ifs" running through my head.

I... I need to do something, but what? How can I bring back the girl, the princess, that all of these people know? What if I don't want to find her again? What if I just don't belong here anymore? Or, what if I am unable to find her and bring her back again?

"What if I can't?" I whispered.

Lost (Byakuya Kuchiki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin