I nodded and got to my feet. It's been awhile since I actually went gathering. I mean, I actually tried to grow my own fruit and vegetables so that I didn't have to actually leave the safety of the wall. Well, let's just say the crops didn't turn out well.

I began my pursuit towards the opening of the wall.

As I was trudging along, the breeze started to shift. It seemed the wind had gotten colder and the air was to thin to breath in.

I recognized this feeling. And I haven't felt this since that one day, three years ago. Could it be him?


I shook the crazy thought from my head. That idea was preposterous. I haven't seen him in forever. Why would he show up now?

'It's not him. Trust me. This feeling was a little, off, a bit different. Let's just focus on the berries. The sooner we get them, the sooner we come back.'

I nodded and continued towards the opening. Soon enough I was no longer in the safety of my wall.

"Well, where should we look for the berries first?"

It took awhile before my wolf answered me. Guess she was thinking.

Hhhmmmm, do they even think? I should probably keep that scenario to myself.

'Keep straight. I smell something really good that way. Must be some delicious berries.'

Wait... How can my wolf smell that if she's in me? Do we share the same nose?

'Hey! Are you listening to me? I said go straight.'

"Oh! Right, my bad. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." I shook the crazy idea from my head and marched foward. Onward, to the berries!

For some reason, as I continued to walk, my body started to shiver, tingle. Something it's never done before. It was nonstop.

"Umm, are you sure the berries are over here," I asked while shaking. Not that I wanted to though.

No answer.


'Yeah! I'm absolutely positive. And they smell so good! Oh Great Moon Goddess, it's driving me crazy!'

"Woah, okay, calm yourself-"

If only I was paying attention to where my feet were stepping. But of course, I wasn't.

I tripped over a small log and began to tumble. And of course, the tumbling turned into rolling.

Why, oh why, out of all places to fall on my face, it has to be on a small hill?

When the rolling ceased, I slowly got to my feet and picked up my basket, which by the way survived the fall.


'Willow, you are a klutz.'

"Hey! I was to busy talking to you. So there for-"

'Wait, look, the berries!'

I turned and saw the tiniest bush I'd ever seen. Those, those are the berries?

I crouched down and started to poke them.

"These are the berries? They're so tiny. And they're not even ripe. I don't think these ones are even edible."

'Wait, sshhh. Be quiet and listen.'


'Just do it!'

Whoah, temper much?

I nodded and started to listen. There was no sound. Only the chirping of birds and the howl of the wind.

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