1. Self harmed

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         A/n may or may not be a trigger for some people this one is about self harming and depression I hope you can read this part. This is fluff.

               Y/n p.o.v.

                        Why does he love me? Why am I here? What am I doing with my life? These are the questions going through my head while I'm on the bathroom floor cutting myself to get rid of the pain I have. The man I'm thinking of is my boyfriend of three years, Dean Winchester, I love him with all my heart but he literally has been to hell and back. He say I can come to him with anything but cutting myself and my thoughts of killing myself would pretty much kill him inside. 

                 "(Y/n) are you in there?" Dean says from the door. "Yeah dean I-I'm in here." I say trying but failing to keep my voice straight. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing is wrong dean." I say to him trying to convince him. "Now I know there is some thing wrong with you. Your distant from me and sam. Come on (Y/n) get out of the bathroom I have to pee." Dean says. "Okay I will." I answer getting up after what seemed like hours of sitting there but it only being twenty minutes. 

      I unlock the door and step out. "Hey what were you doing in there?" Sam asks after Dean walks into the bathroom. "You weren't cutting again were you? Cuz' if you were I will make you tell him." "Yes Sam I was and I'll tell him but will you please leave?" I admit. "Yeah okay I'll go to the library least they have descent wifi." He says and I giggle. "Bye see you later." I say as he leaves and Dean walks in the room. "Hey where'd he go?" "The library" I answer. "Oh okay." He replied. "I'm going to be honest with you I have something important to tell you and please don't be mad." I tell him, really hoping he is not going to be mad. "What's up? You know you can tell me anything." Dean asks me. "I s-self h-harm." I mumble trying not to cry. "What?" He says. "I Self harm myself okay I feel like no one loves me so self harm to fill that void."I admit. "Baby, you know I love you I can't ever tell you how much I love you." He says walking over to the bed. "I love you. Baby, I can't live without you. Okay I might be a screw up but I love you with all my heart." "Dean why do you love me I mean look at me I a mess, I screw up everything." I tell him

               "(Y/n), I love you because you stuck with me throughout my life of hell and torture. You are my best friend. I love your smile and you attitude, the way you flip your hair when you turn around. And most of all I love you because your body is my shrine and you are mine forever."he say while hugging me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner or I would have stopped before I could do anymore damage to myself." I admit. "Just know now that I love you more than my car or pie." He tells me. After our chick flick moment we cuddled on our bed and fell asleep.

   A/n: remember to request and vote for our book. Thank you. 😜❤️🤠I thought you would like the picture and this one is written by Sam. Naomi might do the next one but we will update as soon as we can.

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