(writing) remembering || @kingheartfilia

16 1 3

I remember the touch of your fingers, your breath, how the scent of your skin seeping into mine every time we touched each other lingered, and viscerally, I needed it. I needed that fragment of you to hold on to, even if you left me on the sidewalk with me whispering for you to stay, even if you caused my sleepless nights and dreams that led me into such a plastic world of hope, and I still learn to everyday at your side.

Silently wavering; a lifeline.

"I don't need you," you tell me as the flickering lights at the gym shine beneath us, and the moon that you are so entitled to.

"Tsukishima, I do," I hold onto your fingers as you turn to leave, hoping to capture that bit of warmth i could manage to earn, and that warmth you could muster to give me, a selfish needy human who wants to remember every part of you as mine, my lifeline, my savior, my requiem.

Silence envelops what we hold together, your words against mine, our pain merging as one, and both of us, not just me, wanting that remembrance of two, and we have never forgotten remembering.


hope i didn't violate anything lol the extra words (i wrote to the limit) is basically this note and me tagging you iM SORRY if it does I'll fix it immediately. never had this much fun writing before yAY

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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