Got My Head Spining Round and Round

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Sunsets POV

My thoughts were filled with last nights dream, Flash, Twilight all of it. Why would flash appear in my dream, is it foreshadowing my future or is it just a dream?
Anyway today me and Twilight are going into the city clothes shopping, and I'm treat her to a little something.

Sunset and Twilight were getting ready to head out. "Bag, reading glasses, bottle of water, rain jacket..." Twilight said checking off each one. Sunset found this most adorable, that her girl was all prepared. Sunset let out a quick awh before wrapping her arms around her new girlfriend and squeezing her tight " you are so frickin cuutteee" she said holding her girlfriend. "Sunnnnyyy" Twilight said "look I love you but we are going to miss the bus" Twilight said with a blush. "Okay then" Sunset said "I love you too" before tilting down and giving a quick peck to Twilight.

Both girls sat on the bus casually talking about science and different theories. *bang* Sunset shot upright a flash back of last nights dream raised into her head. She slowly began to panic before Twilight held her wrist "Sunny?you okay?" Twilight said with concern. "Yeah, yeah" she replied as her dream faded to the back of her mind.

Both girls began looking around in the city mall. Since Twilight had not been here before she was in awe of all the clothing stores and cafes and various other shops.

"Sunny, Sunny!" "What about this one?" Twilight said picking up a cute little dress and adding it to her collection of clothes she had in her little shopping basket.
Both girls headed towards the changing rooms to try on their clothes. Twilight headed towards a separate changing room while sunset to her own.
Twilight began to undress herself before a eager looking sunset appear from the curtain.
"Sunset, you are meant to be in your own one" Twilight said while she stood there in nothing but her black bra and cute frilly underwear. "Yeah well I got lonely" Sunset said. Twilight knew that was a lie.
Twilight turn around and was about to put on a t shirt but then was cute off by arms wrapping around her waist and a kiss was planted on her neck, then another and another and another. Soon both girl began to vigously make out in a clothing stores changing room. Both girls stooped suddenly as they heard a farmiliar voice from outside, Pinkie and Apple Jack. They tried on their things and tried to leave without being seen. "TWILIGHT SUNSET!" a rather high pitched voice said, it was Pinkie, the pink haired girl bounced over to both girls with Apple Jack jogging behind. "Well I wouldn't except to see you two here, how have y'all been?" Apple jack said "yeah we've been fine" Sunset said "did I miss anything at school" Twilight ask. Sunny glazed a cute little stare towards twilight at how she could still ask about school, Sunset adored that. Apple Jack seemed to pick up on that. So what have you two been doing? "Oh you know reading and and books and yeah" Sunset said with a bead of sweat running down her face. "Hey Twi, why have you go a bruise on your neck?" Pinkie asked. Apple Jack burst into laughter " p-pinkie, that's not any bruise that's a hickey!" Apple Jack said through intervals of constant laughing. Both girls faces turned a new shade of red. "But for real Twi, where did u get that from?" Apple Jack said raising an eyebrow. "I'm-im not too sure" Twilight said looking down. Out of all 7 girls Twilight was by far the worst liar. "Hun I know your lying" Apple Jack said. Twilight looked down in a blush. "Well we best be going then, see y'all later" Apple jack said before leaning into both girls "I know you too are together" she whispered before giving a little wink. "I won't say nothin', bye" Apple Jack said before being pulled along by the bouncing pink fluffy in front of her.

Twilight turned to Sunset and gave her a dead eye. "What?! I didn't know I left something" Sunset said in her defense. Twilight walked off with her stuff to the checkout. "Awh come'on Twi" sunset said following her girlfriend. "It felt nice though" Twilight said in a blush. Sunset smirked before interlocking her fingers with Twilights.

You're my SunLight ( Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle ) My Little PonyWhere stories live. Discover now