Hi my name is [Gabi]

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A/N: Seeing as this is my first book that I am writing..obviously..I figured I would introduce myself..kind of..idk you'll see.
Okay, hi my name is [Gabi] I am a 15 year old American girl. I love Dan and Phil. Obviously. YouTube is my life. I am friendly so don't be afraid to talk to me. I love making new friends. If you have any questions ask :)
I have always wanted to write books but I didn't know how or where to put it so people would see it. Then I found Wattpad and after reading other people's stories for a while I figured I should give it a try. So I am, I'm not sure what this story will be about. I don't know if any Phan (smut) will happen. But it only seemed fitting as my profile is Phan themed to have my first book be Phan related. I hope you enjoy! :) Bye! 👋

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