Chapter 1 - The Start to a New Beginning!

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It was a long day. I look out the window of my dorm room to see my sister still running laps. Elisa ended up showing up late to our evening exercise drills only because our Corporal decided to have a long unneeded chat first. Our Corporal was sure a idiot for an Englishman.

I sigh walking to the kitchen to fill a bottle of water for Elisa. I know she's going to need it since I pretty much died afterwards.

After filling it up, I leave the dorm room and headed towards the stairs to only see her already coming up.

Me: Dead?

She nods breathing heavily.

Me: Here.

I pass her the bottle of water as she begins to chug it down.

Me: So what did the Corporal have to say this time?

She takes a few more gulps before putting it down.

Elisa: Something important.

Me: What! Seriously? The man actually did something right and didn't waste time.

We hear foot steps behind us to see an unimpressed Corporal.

Me: Not that he would actually waste time or be wrong most times... Hahaha...

I smile nervously to see him give me a eye roll.

Corporal: Whatever, just go back to your dorm room. Lights go off at ten.

We nod and salute, making our way towards our dorm room. As we entered, I sigh falling onto the couch.

Me: Man that guy is such a drag. He can't admit to himself that he's a bad corporal. If I was corporal I would so do a better job than him.

Elisa: Probably, but better yet anyone could.

We both giggle.

Me: So what was the important conversation that you had?

Elisa: It's about our big final mission.

Me: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. So I'm assuming that the machine is almost ready.

She nods walking to the kitchen for food.

Elisa: Yeah. He told me it should only take a few more days before completion.

Me: Hmm well we better get prepared.

I stand up walking over to our big duffel bags and started packing our stuff.

Me: Did they want this room clear for new people to take?

Elisa: I think so, Corporal didn't mention much about it.

Me: I'll pack everything up anyways, well the stuff we really need.

Elisa: But we have to remember, they don't have what we have. We are more advanced than they are.

I nod.

Me: I know which is very much why I said the stuff we really need.

I pull out my iPhone.

Me: Once we go back in time, our cell phones will be useless. Well besides the camera and app games.

Elisa: Yes but they can still be useful, specifically for daily journals and pictures of important events.

I nod.

Me: Good thing we bought 64 GB models and portable chargers.

Elisa: Mmhm.

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