Akeela was silent for some time; this was a lot of information to take in, assuming she believed any of it.

"Okay one last question," Akeela said again.

"Wasn't the last one your last?" Kayla yawned.

"Yeah, but this one just came up," Akeela insisted. "The devotion. What are the words?"

"Well, now that there are two Lord Rahls, before you say it you have to think about the specific one you want to be bonded to," Kayla said before reciting the devotion.
Afterwards, Akeela closed her eyes and slept, the words of the devotion echoing through her dreams.

Master Rahl guide us
Master Rahl teach us
Master Rahl protect us
In your light we thrive
In your mercy we are sheltered
In your wisdom we are humbled
We live only to serve
Our lives are yours


Akeela was woken up by a sharp pain in her gut, Mistress Raina screaming obscenities into her ear.

"Wake up!" Raina screamed. "On your feet your low-life!"

She struck Akeela again and immediately swept away what was left of Akeela's grogginess. Akeela got to her feet shakily, not wanting to speak, fearing that the sound of her voice may serve to further incense Raina; she had never seen her mistress this angry before.

Raina quickly chained Akeela's collar to her belt and stormed out of the dark room, dragging a befuddled Akeela behind her.
Akeela glanced back at Kayla, to find out if she knew anything about Raina's sudden anger but Kayla merely shook her head, equally surprised by Raina's sudden outburst.

Akeela did not know what she had done to displease her mistress but it was obvious to anyone, from the vigour with which Raina tortured her, that whatever she had done must have really hurt her mistress. Initially, when Raina had begun training her, Akeela had assumed that it would be like any other day and had braced herself for the Agiel that she had thought she was so familiar with.
She had therefore been shocked when Raina's strike had caused her to scream; she couldn't remember the last time she had screamed during training. It was then that she had noticed the look on Raina's face. Mostly when her mistress tortured, she had a slight smile on her face as if she loved to see Akeela suffer –because in fact she did. Whenever Akeela coughed blood, Raina would laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world –Akeela actually didn't mind this; it delighted her that she could make her mistress laugh.

Today was different however, Raina was not smiling.

She looked pale and shaken and had a wild, haunted look in her eyes.

Raina regarded at Akeela with such malice that it made Akeela want to break out of her chains and hide herself in the dark room. Raina's gaze had always been penetrating, Akeela knew, but today was worse; today those dark eyes were filled with intense hatred.

Two hours into training and any thoughts that Akeela had imagined Raina's hate quickly evaporated. Raina tortured her relentlessly, giving her not a moment to breath or rest. Raina herself poured so much of her strength into each strike that she was panting deeply with effort, her bangs plastered to her face and the sweat that covered her entire body, stinging her eyes.

Raina's red leather was soaked, with her own sweat mixed with Akeela's blood; the same blood that covered her face and her hands.

Akeela had tried begging her mistress, sobbing for her to stop, but as Akeela had earlier predicted, the sound of her voice only served to awaken some primal beast that had lain dormant deep within Raina. Raina had doubled her efforts, screaming every time her Agiel found its mark.

Akeela had turned to Kayla for comfort, but even the cheerful auburn-haired Mord-Sith could do nothing to dull Akeela's pain. If anything, Kayla looked somewhat worried.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Dahlia had finally grabbed Raina's hand, stopping her.

"Raina, you'll kill her," she said softly.

Raina looked defiantly at Dahlia her eyes saying, "I hope I do."

Dahlia tried again. "If she dies in your hands, Lord Rahl will not be pleased."

That seemed to stop the raging beast. Raina looked at the bloody mess that was Akeela, her dark eyes riddled with realization, and then fear. She finally let her hand drop to her waist and she gave a short nod to Dahlia to indicate that she was fine.

Akeela let out a grateful sob, relieved that is was finally over.

Raina returned her Agiels to her belt before unshackling Akeela who buckled under her own weight into Raina's arms. Akeela was so delirious that she did not notice when Raina carried her back to the dark room, and sat with her until nightfall.

"Take care of her," Akeela heard her mistress whisper to Kayla that night before leaving the dark room.


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