Monologue for a play!

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Teacher: Going over the lesson.

Liza: Raises hand. "under the topic of choices, have you ever heard of the book go ask Alice?"

Other student: Oh yeah I have.

Teacher: whats that about?

Liza: The book is about a teenager who faces the issues of highschool, drugs, teen pregnancy and suicide. These are all hard choices. (Aside) Choices thought life I've made some good and some bad...

*Stands and walks away from the class*

* Lights dim over class scene*Spot light follows Liza*

Liza: These choices we face on a daily basis, how funny to think one choice could forever change your life, How making that one decision could ruin everything you have. Looking back on past choices from where I am today, I could have said yes to that stupid young boy, I could have ruined my life..... how odd to think this, I had a choice either to give up to chance my life for some stupid feelings or be wise and not go down that path. I could have taken the turn down that dark road that night with those pills at the party... ah .. Choices, choices... I shouldn't have swam in that lake in march now that was a bad choice on my part indeed. It's the choices we make and the paths we take in life that make us who we are.

*Walks back and sits down in her chair*

*Lights follows*

*Lights up room again*

Liza: And like everyone else those past choices have made up to who I am today!

*turns to kid sitting next to her*

Liza: You should really read that book its emotional but also very interesting.

Lacy: Why ever would I want to do that now, It sounds like a stupid waste of my time. * raises hand*

Teacher: yes Lacy?

Lacy: May I use the washroom?

*Stands and walks away from the class*

Lacy: (aside) I could feel myself starting to get emotional; I had to get out of there. I couldn't bear to hear any more about this book for the idea of it hit home for me. I haven't told anyone of this yet but I found of that night at the party when I slept with that boy was a stupid thing to do because now I have ruined my life. I fell into the hands of drugs and that unworldly high. I've ruined my life and my unborn child's as well there I've said it I am pregnant and I have no idea what to do. Had I not taken that drink from that stranger who took my innocence in a single night, had I just not gone to that party like my momma had said not to, had I listened to a voice of reason I may have not gotten into this situation, ruining two live in one single selfish night.

*Walks back and sits down in her chair*

*Lights follows*

*Lights up room again*

*Back to class setting*

Teacher: Nice to see you decided to come back.

Lacy: Sorry I just needed a breather!

Liza: Hey are you alright?

Lacy *snaps* Yeah im fine!

Kassie: Leans into liza "hey can I borrow that book from you?

Liza: sure!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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