Chapter Fifteen Circle

Start from the beginning

 “I’m certain although I’m tempted..”

 “I think we could have fun.” She moved closer pulling at his shirt buttons.”

 “I quiet sure we could but we would regret it in the morning.”

 “She’s crazy.”

 “Who?” He smiled.

 “You know who.” She kissed him and to her surprise he kissed her back. She pulled away.  Taking the blanket and pillow.

 “She better watch out though I’ll let you go tonight because of the fight and you might not be able to tackle all my difficult moves.”

 “Oh really.”

 “ Yes and me being in the medical field  I wouldn’t want you to chance doing more damage to yourself.”

 “Well thank you nurse Josey.”

 “Actually it’s Doctor Litman.” She smiled over her shoulder at him.

 “Wow I need a doctor too."

" Well you can come see me anytime Robert maybe together we can break this cirle.”

 “I keep that in mind.” He turned to leave. Wondering what she meant by that comment.

 “Thanks Robert.”

 “For what?”

 “Letting me crash here and being a shoulder to cry on.”

 “Anytime Doc.”

 She pulled off her boots and laid down.

 Lauren looked at the number she punched in  her phone and swore to herself …A sudden knock on the door made her jump and into the toilet her phone went. “Shit …Shit.” She retrieved it. Another knock.

 “Lauren,  Nonna said come eat..”

 She swung the door open  angerliy.. Liam stood looking at her. “What’s wrong Lauren you’ve been acting strange since your cousin left.”

 “Have I ?”

 “Yes you have. Were here in Italy newly engaged and all I get is a cold shoulder.”

 She wiped off her phone than wash her hands as he stood watching. “Is this how it’s going to be.” He asked looking at her in the mirror.

 Tell me Lauren why didn’t you mention that you were in Palermo with Roberto?” Lauren looked  at him in the mirror he looked ticked off not his usual pleasant self.  And she was floored by his question but she couldn’t let him know that.

“I didn’t think I had too.” She replied.

 "Well you gave me the impression that you where here the whole time when we talked.”

 “We’ll I wasn’t.”

 “Is that it.”


 “All your going to say?”

 “What do you want me to say?’ She turned facing him. “Yes, I was in Palermo.”

 “With your cousin.” He finished.

 “Yes, with Rob.”

 “I thought his name was Roberto and why haven’t you mentioned him before?”

 She walked past him. He turned and followed as she walked down the steps. She stopped and turned. “Wait am I being interrogated now?”

 “Should you be?”

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