"And then worst of all"

"You never come, baby, when you say you will"

"But I love you still"

His voice was angelic, absolutely beautiful, and the way his eyes gazed into mine, it almost felt like the song was for me. I told myself that the thought was ridiculous, but I still secretly hoped it was the truth.

"I need you, I need you, more than anyone, darling"

His eyes, they were just so alluring. Shining pools of honey and chocolate, you just couldn't help but stare into them.  They're so perfect, I thought to myself. And right now, Tyler seems perfect too.

I was being so stupid, thinking like that. I really needed to stop. But I didn't know how. I shook my head, as if doing so would rid me of the thoughts.

Tyler stopped playing. "You okay?" He chuckled, looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. It's just that- uh- that was amazing." I awkwardly spoke to him, smiling a little bit.

"T-thanks." He smiled adorably. Oh- I said adorable... But he is adorable.

No, he's my friend.

"By the way, you kind of messed up on the first line," I said giggling.

"I spent all night trying to learn those lyrics. Which word was wrong?"

"It doesn't matter. I liked the way you sung it better. It was cute."

•Tyler's POV•

I immediately turned around, shocked to hear the word "cute." I knew it wasn't a big deal, but it wasn't ever something she ever really called me. Well, maybe one time before, but still. Having a pretty girl think you're cute was a good feeling to have.

"Sorr-" I interrupted her and put my finger on her lips. Her eyes widened at the sudden gesture.

"Shh. It's fine. Lets go downstairs."  I said, putting my hand out. She smiled softly, hesitantly taking hand and intertwining our fingers together.

This by far was the strangest feeling ever. I liked it, but still, it was so out of the ordinary for us. We were acting... like a couple. And we were far from it.

I led her downstairs and we stopped at the end of the staircase. Her mom walked out of the other room and looked at our hands, raising an eyebrow. Great, another reason for her to believe that we're in love or something.

Y/n smacked my hand off hers and looked at me. "Ouch!" I yelped, rubbing the part of my hand where she smacked me.

"You deserved it." And there it was again- she ruffled my messy brown hair.

"So what's up with you two?" Her mom asked, picking some clothes off of the floor and placing it in the back of the couch.

"We're bored." Y/n put a hand on her hip.

"And what would you like me to do?" Her mom looked at her.

"Give us something to do."

"Why don't you see a movie?" Her mom suggested. She started walking up the stairs but looked back, waiting for Y/n to answer.

"Yeah fine."

"Want me to drive you?" Her mom questioned.

"Yeah sure."


•Y/n's POV•

Once we finally arrived I looked over at Tyler.

"What movie do you wanna see?" I asked him, looking into his chocolate eyes.

"I don't know. Isn't Rogue One out? We should see that."

"Yeah, Mackenzie said it was good."


When we sat down in the theatre, it was really cold. I was shivering a little. I could see Tyler taking off his black hoodie, messing up his hair in the process.

"It's fine, Tyler. Don't pull one of those cliche fanfiction moments." I chuckled.

"It's fine. You're cold! Take it." He said, holding out his hoodie for me to take it.

"I'm good!" I said pushing his arms back.

"Do I really have to do this for you?" He leaned over me and pulled the hoodie over my head.

"There ya go, buttercup," he said in his cracky, but adorable voice. A smile spread across his face, and his brown eyes seemed to light up. I just looked at him- my eyes widening a little bit.

His hoodie was baggy on me, but it was comfortable, and I liked it. It had his scent, a bit of cologne mixed with something else that I couldn't put my finger on. I snuggled into it, hugging my legs to warm myself up.

He stuck his hand in the pocket of his black skinny jeans, pulling out his phone.

•Time skip to when you get home•

My mom walked inside, but Tyler and I stopped in the driveway. He stood there in front of me, and just looked into my eyes. It didn't seem awkward. It felt normal.

"Goodnight." He said, and messed up my (hair color) hair.

"Really? That's my thing, Tyler. I love messing up your hair." I said, pushing him away.

"I wanted a turn!" He said, walking towards his house.

"Bye, Tyler." I waved, walking towards my door.

"Bye Y/n. I'll be at your house to walk with you to school tomorrow. And don't be late this time." He chuckled, getting closer to his house.

"Can't promise anything!" I called out, opening my door and walking in.

I walked inside my house, setting my phone on the table.

"So, what's with you and Tyler?" My mom asked.

"Uh nothing.. why?"

"He's acting... different around you. Not in a bad way, but I've noticed something."

"I'm sure it's nothing," I replied.

I hope it's not nothing.

I grabbed my phone and ran upstairs.

•Tyler's POV•

I lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

What if Y/n doesn't even like me? I'd be hoping for nothing.

But I love her still.

buttercup// Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now