Then the song goes on ( please read the lyrics )

" You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing
For only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feel alive.... "

" A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid my goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting,
Waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close.... "

Suddenly, he knelt down onto his knee, I gasped as he pulled out a small box, he opened up to be a beautiful flower ring, a promise ring... why now.... no.... I can't.

" (Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you be mine, forever? "

"..... Yes " I cried of happiness and sadness, I am always yours but, not forever. The thought driven me crazy and the crowd cheered but some don't.

" Harry... do you mine if I talk to you privately? "

" Always, dear "

We have gone to a private place to talk, I have to tell him... or else... I walked feeling the ring on my finger and smile I turned to face him

" Harry, I would love to be yours forever, but...."

" What, did i do something wrong? "

" No! No, you are the best thing that happened in my life just not that..."

" Then what "

" I I am a death eater.... "

" Did I said that I don't care, I love you for you "

" No.... my mark "

" What about it? "

" It, it will spread and-and I'll- I'll die "

" No! I won't allow that to happen! How can I stop it? "

There, there's the question, I teared up

" I-I will have to finish my task "

" Then do it! "

" I can't! "

" Why? "


" Because, I-I, my task is to kill you! You!"

" Then do it! "

I was surprised about his decision, no hesitation no nothing at all

" No! No! "

" Do it! I'll die, and you will live! "

" no,... no... n- "

" What is it?! (Y/N)?! "

" I know just what to do... " I said then smirk devilishly at him make him to step back.

Then I point my wand at him

" Do it (Y/N), do it! " he yelled close his eyes

" I love you... sent my love to all of our friends and my family " I said then directed my wand at myself

" AVADA KEDAVRA! " green beams shot out, hit me and I cried in horror, Harry rushed towards me, I can feel his tears falling down my lifeless face.

" No... no! ( Y/N) don't, don't leave me"

" I- I will get Mrs. Pomfrey,.... you-you will be ok "

Third person POV:

Harry was talking to (Y/N) lifeless body and he hold her tight, he won't let go... he now know that there's nothing he could do to save her, to bring her back to life. He blames himself for this, he blame the dark lord, Voldemort, he will get his revenge... he's now hurted, very very.... he returns to the room, full of lights and people, alive people, tears streaming down his face as his eyes now reddened from crying.

The song, her favorite song now almost over as it sings

" So close, so close...
Still so far.... "

She's gone, gone, forever....

A/N: Read the next A/N now if you just finished this. It's very important

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