WSSS recruiters

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Below, you will find the types of messages that a WSSSOCIETY recruit might send you:

"Hello. I'm an WSSS member. This is a formal invitation to join Wsssociety as an ambassador. Please feel free to ask me any questions, before you decide whether or not join."

"Hello. We are sorry to inform you that your submission to join as a Wsssociety ambassador was rejected. You either weren't qualified or you spent too long to complete your membership. Feel free to re-submit your application again."


Below are our list of recruiters.

Recruiters are in charge of who gets accepted into WSSS.

What recruiters do:

-they invite you to WSSS
-they accept you to WSSS

Recruiters accept at least ten people into WSSS a week.

Only contact a recruiter if you want to join WSSS.

Start your message with "I would like to join WSSS an ambassador , please assist me."

Then the recruiter will see it fit to give you the proper answers to your questions.

The recruiter will ask you to do some things to be accepted, like follow our account, go like our Facebook group, add our books to your reading lists, or tag people places, etc...

(Do NOT contact more than one recruiter. We will ignore you.)

Recruiters will typically approach a potential ambassadors with "You are formally invited to join Wsssociety."

Then they will proceed to respond to any questions that the potential ambassadors might have about this society.








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