Chapter 14: Part 1 Of A One-Shot

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Sorry for the slow updates. But I had midterms and I had to study so yeah.

For this chapter, Percy and Katniss are going to a high school together. And NO, it is NOT Goode High. I don't have a specific high school in mind. I didn't put in the other characters either cause I was interested in just the both of them going to school together :3

Lastly, you know the drill:  please VOTE and COMMENT!



I still don't think that putting an ADHD kid like me to school is a good idea.

That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I stepped my foot into a crappy old building which what they called a school. There were grey walls, grey tiled floors, basically everything was grey. Depressing much? The place looked like one of those jails-not that I have been into a jail before-where they kept prisoners.

And to make it worst, I have to go to school with Katniss Everdeen. I was suppose to meet her here, but how the heck was I suppose to know what she looked like? Hell, she only considers me as a cyber friend. 

I stomped my foot impatiently as I waited for this stranger who considered me as a cyber friend. I was so busy stomping that I didn't notice a girl had walked up to me. 

"Are you Percy Jackson?" She asked immediately.

"Um, no, I am Michael Jackson." I said sarcastically

"What the f***?!" 

I looked at her. "Whoa, you're even worse than me! It's the first day of school and you're already cursing?!"

"Shut up," she said, giving me a devil's glare.

I smirked at her. "Make me!" And with that, I skipped away to the main office which was somewhere in this craptastic building, also known as a prison for kids.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I have math first period with that dumbo.

If you actually had a brain, you would have probably figured out that I meant Percy Jackson by dumbo. 

Yes, I just called the person who saved the world a dumbo. Don't go f***ing me! Repect my opinion and deal with it!

That guy may have saved the world, but he is just plain immature. He is Michael Jackson? Really? Again, immature.

You will only understand that if you catch my drift, but since no one these days agree with me, I'm pretty sure you will continue f***ing me for calling that "most awesomest" (not a word, I know) hero of the 21st century a dumbo.

I don't give a damn.

Now, where was I again? Right, talking about first period.

I fell asleep after the teacher said we were going to be doing something called 'simplifying equations.'

That ain't gonna help me bring food up the table for my family, so why bother?

Unfortunately, the teacher caught me sleeping.

"Miss. Everdeen, would you like to tell me how to simplify the expression 5x+3xy+8x?"

I squinted at the board, while all the other students waved their hands in the air like it was a dance club in that stupid classroom. 

Percy watched me intently and I ignored him.

"Um, 11x+3xy?" I sputtered.

The teacher looked at me. "do you know how to add?"

The whole class started to laugh and the teacher shushed them down. "Let's do this together. First you have to use the commutative property...."

Ok, I'm not going to tell you the rest of what the teacher said cause you don't need to know and that is just gonna bore the heck outta you. So yeah.

Turns out that the equation was actually 5x+ blah blah blah. I had thought it was 3x cause my eyesight was blurry. Whatever.

And no. I am NOT getting glasses. Thank you very much.

I had thought the teacher had let me off the hook, but I should have known better. The rest of the class had no homework while I recieved a god-damn worksheet on simplifying equations.



That's all for today! I will continue the school day for Katniss and Percy tommorow because I have to do homework now.

So stay tune for the update!

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