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alex's pov

"hey, my name is uh alex, I'm 23 and i've been drawing since i was like 7 i guess but i got really into 'art' and exploring different mediums when i was about 15"
i said infront of the small crowd of maybe 10 people, ranging from 19 to 45 years of age. this felt like a support group, going around and sharing your name and random pieces of information, but it was in fact not a support group, it was an art class, a community art class at the very least. the class was marked as "beneficial" or so my professor said. the group continued to share names and facts about them pertaining to art, i wasn't interested nor paying any attention until a raspy voice called my attention
"hi I'm jack, i've always had a thing for art really and i guess my favorite mediums are like, chalk pastels and oil pants"
and with that he sat back down in his blue plastic chair. he was beautiful. dressed in a black zip hoodie, dark blue jeans and beat to death maroon vans, his brown hair had one blonde patch and was sticking out in every possible direction. he himself was more of a master piece than any work of art I've seen. ever. the remaining hour of "class" was spent admiring the boy from across the room. he looked, fuzzy, if that makes any sense. soft and protectable in a way. i wanted to paint him, i wanted to frame him and look at him for hours, days, weeks, the rest of my life even.
time must have slipped away as i heard the instructor call the class to an end. i found myself disappointed yet eager and excited for next saturday, 12:45, for i would get to see the work of art named jack.

i almost didn't update bc i was OUT all day but here is the 1st chap, its pretty short bc i'm still trying to develop the plot and characters obviously, anyyyways gn i hope everyone ENJOYs

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