twenty eight {full chapter}

Start from the beginning

after having some quality time with hoseok, minju felt tired from running around too much, she wasn't nervous as before but she was happy.

"wooh! that was amazing!" minju exclaimed and sat on the bench at the amusement park.

hoseok was panting and he look like he would pass out anytime.

minju giggled at hoseok's cute actions.

"hey, you okay?" she asked and patted the side of the bench, gesturing him to sit next to her.

hoseok sat down beside her and lay her head on minju's shoulder.

and minju's heart became beating fast again.

"yeah, im fine. you know im not a really big fan of rides. i felt like dying." he answered then laughed cutely.

"er.. hahaa, i-i can see t-that."

"i only like rides that aren't fast like the cable car that we ride days ago." he said.

minju tried to act normal but her palms are getting sweaty.

ugh no this is so awkward. god please help me.

she thought.

"oh hey, let's go. time to make a confession." hoseok said and stood up.

he holds minju's hand and take her to the ferris wheel.

"are we going to ride it?" minju asked, looking excited again

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"are we going to ride it?" minju asked, looking excited again.

hoseok chuckled.

"unfortunately, not. aren't you tired from all the super fast rides?"

"sorry. yes, i am." she replied.

hoseok smiled.

"this is probably going to be the worst confession ever, but juju yah~" he began and grab her hands then intertwined it with his.

"you know, i saw you hanging out with v one day and i thought that you are adorable, so i asked v about you, and he told wonderful things about you and i asked him for your number. and that's where we begin talking. right at that moment, i knew that i like you. but, when we first met at namsan tower, i realized that im actually falling in love with you."

"im sorry if i ever made you feel uncomfortable by my text messages. i just couldn't control that fact that i love you and i wanted you to be mine. maybe you will think that my texts are just a joke and just silly pick-up lines but, i mean it."

"and, let me ask you properly this time. would you like to be my girlfriend?"

minju was really surprised at hoseok's confession. she was really touched by him.

"ho-hobie ah, i don't know what to say, no one has ever done this to me." she said.

"i, i think i- i li- like you too." she confessed then look down, looking at her hands that are intertwined with hoseok's.

"you do?" hoseok asked. his face showed excitement.

minju nodded.

"then, you're my girlfriend! and you accept my confession!" he exclaimed.

hoseok pulled minju by her hands and hugged her tightly.

then, hoseok lifted her up and spun her around.

minju laughed as is she was on the air but she told hoseok to stop as she was embarrassed.

hoseok laughed and put minju down to stand on the floor.

"yah, people are watching." minju whispered.

hiseok giggled.

"sorry, jagiya~" he replied.

upon hearing the word 'jagiya', minju felt shy and blushed.

"hey can i get kiss now?" hoseok asked.

"wh-what? here?" minju asked, widening her eyes.

"yeah, and this time, a real kiss. not on the cheeks." he said.

"eh, hahaa. im not sure about this." minju said then laughed awkwardly.

"aw come one, if you're not ready to make out with me, one peck will do." he teased and winked to her.

minju's cheek turn pink.

she fake a cough before tip toeing to hoseok and peck his lips gently.

"there! oh my god, that was nerve wrecking!" minju said as she back away and hold her chest.

hoseok grinned ear to ear.

"thanks, cutie." he said.

"now, be prepared in making out with me okay." he said, smirking.

"y-yah!" minju said and hit hoseok's shoulder playfully.

hoseok laughed.

"okay, let's ride the ferris wheel." he said.

minju look at hoseok.

"really?" she asks as excitement builds up in her body.

"what kind of boyfriend who doesn't make her girlfriend happy. i know you want to ride the ferris wheel. let's go." he said.

he hold her hands and intertwined it with her again.

minju covered her face with her other hand, smiling like an idiot the whole time hoseok holds her hands.


lol im really bad in confession and writing this kind of story.

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