“Yuu! Don’t do that ever again!”

     “I was so scared! Uwaahhh…”

     “Thank you for saving him, Onee-chan!” one of the boys said, bowing to her. The rest of them followed suit, bowing formally to her in gratitude. Not knowing how to respond because obviously, the bus didn’t stop there because of her, she let out a sound of protest and answered, “Eh? But I didn’t do anything…”

     Yuu walked up to her and she squatted down to his height. Immediately, he ran into her, wrapping his arms around her neck. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!”

     “I didn’t exactly save you, though… I’m just glad you’re alright now.”

     “But, but,” he paused as he tried to think of the right words to say, “You tried to protect me, so thank you, Onee-chan! You’re my hero!”

     Smiling, she wiped his tears away. “You’re very welcome. Be more careful next time, okay? Don’t run out to the road like that! It’s very dangerous. And don’t cry anymore. You’re safe now. Go home and get a good rest, okay?”

     He beamed at her. “Okay! You should go home and rest too!”

     She chuckled and saluted him. “Yes sir!” They burst out in giggles and then the group of boys went their way, presumably back home for Yuu to get a good rest.

     Chihiro sighed, shoulders sagging in relief. Everything was fine now. “I’m so sorry, Miss! Are you alright?” She turned to see that the bus driver had stepped out to see how she was doing. She smiled politely and nodded. “I’m okay.”

     “Are you sure?” he walked closer to get a good look, just to make sure she wasn’t hurt or anything. “I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t see you or the boy, and it was my fault. I’m truly sorry for everything.”

     “Ah, no need! I’m really fine! You need to get back to work now, don’t you?”

     “Yes… but you’re sure you’re okay, Miss?”

     “Yes, I am perfectly fine.” She hopped a few times just to assure him. Finally, he seemed to be sufficiently convinced and left after a couple more apologies.

     Exhaling deeply, she briskly walked off the road back to the pavement where it was safe. There, she heaved a big sigh of relief, feeling a load jump off her shoulders. She nearly died of a heart attack there.

     A hand grabbed hers out of nowhere, and then it dawned on her that she had momentarily forgotten about Haku’s presence altogether. “Haku!”

     “You’re too reckless…” Haku murmured, hugging her. “I nearly died of a heart attack.”

     Wordlessly, she used her index finger and lightly traced the outlines of his face. After making sure that he really was real, she leapt into his arms without holding back, hugging him as tightly as she could. “You came! You really came! I’ve missed you guys so much!” she wailed like a little child.

     “I know…” he squeezed her back just as tightly. “I’ve missed you dearly too. So much that I thought… When I saw the bus coming, I was so afraid… I’m just glad that you’re alright.”

     “I kept the gem with me. You said it’d keep me safe. And you told me before that you’d protect me. You didn't break your promise this time,” she smiled through her tears.

     He didn't reply, content with just hugging her and knowing she was safe with him.


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