By the time he's finished, it's my turn to glare at the sweaty boy. His white shirt sleeves are ripped off and his black shorts match his shoes. He turns to look at Nixon and walks back, arms crossed. The girls in my area watch in a starstruck way, cheeks flushed like they've got caught gawking.

"Cato Rauls," Cato says to Atticus, "I'm the former head Peacekeepers son, actually."

"Jackson?" Atticus asks, clearly intimidated now.

"Yes, sir." Cato smirks and looks back at me. His eyes meet mine and dare him to be the first one to look away, but instead his eyes trail down my body like I was a piece of meat. My face must have gone rogue because when he looks back at me, he gives a deep chuckle catching Nixon's attention once again.

"How's your hand-to-hand?" Atticus asks, looking from me to Cato.

Cato shrugs, "I wouldn't say I'm too bad."

"Too bad?" Atticus rubs his chin, "How about we see some action, ya?" he's now looking at Nixon.

Nixon gives a small nod and pats Cato's back lightly, "Get to the mat."

Cato obliges and walks to the mat, I take this as my cue to follow knowing that Atticus won't make another girl fight the large blonde.

"Rules?" I ask, arms still crossed, eyes trained on Cato.

"Go till someone taps." Nixon interjects for Atticus.

"Alright," I glance at Atticus before getting in my stance, smirking, "let's go sword boy."

And before I can even throw a punch, I'm pinned to the mat.

Cato's forearm digs into my windpipe and I gasp for air, clearly over-powered by the weight he's shifted onto me. I have to think quick before I lose all control of breathing so with a swift motion I knee the boy in the gut and shove him off with as much strength as I have. Cato stumbles off of me, shocked at how strong I actually am, but quickly regaining his mindset he goes to kick me in the gut.

I grab his foot and yank his leg forwards causing him to the mat hard on his back. A small grunt comes out of his mouth and I take this as a cue to pin him down, my long black hair falls around his face and I quickly bring my fist to his cheek causing his mouth to bleed. He grunts again and spits the sticky warm blood in my face. I wipe it away and sneer at him, "You gonna fight sword boy?"

This time, Cato shoves me off and I almost fly through the air. My back hits the mat and the wind gets knocked out of me. I lay there for a bit, collecting my strength, but before I can make out what's happening his foot collides with my face and I cry out in pain. Blood pours from my nose and I squeeze my eyes shut. I'm expecting another kick, but when I open my eyes Cato is hovering over me. My feet quickly knock him onto his side and I jump back to my own feet. He lays there for a bit, probably shocked that I haven't tapped out yet.

Atticus is looking at me, when I glance over at him. Nixon has his arms crossed, eyes trained on Cato, a glare starting to form as he stands up. I look back at the boy and my hands curl into small fists. I go to punch Cato in the jaw and I'm just as surprised as he is when it locks onto his face, causing him to stumble back. He rubs his chin and narrows his eyes at me, "Whoops." I spat. This angers him even more because before I can react, he hoists me over his shoulder and flips me onto the mat, like a rag doll.

A piercing ring echoes through my ears, eyes blurry. Cato has me pinned down again, his hand slowly wiping the blood away from my nose, other hand pulling my hair back so my head is pinned against the mat. His fist collides with my face again and I grunt. The blood on Cato's knuckles smears on my cheek at the second punch. I can hardly breath right, but I can't tap out.

Not yet.

Slowly, I start to smirk and Cato gives me a harsh glare, "You think I'm gonna tap out?"

"You probably should," Cato's voice is deep, almost scary as he inches his way closer to my face, "knife girl."

I curl my lips into cocky grin, but it's wiped away when his fist collides with my face once more. This time a sharp pain trains its way through my head and without thinking I tap the mat quickly. Cato immediately stands up, triumphantly he looks down at me and walks off back over to his group.

Atticus walks up next to me, offering a hand. I sit up slowly and allow him to help me up, his eyes scan over my bloody face. I'm probably already bruising, "Jesus, Clove."

I wave him off, "I'm fine."

"You're bleeding."

"I said I'm fine." I wipe the blood under my nose onto my hand wincing. I think my nose is broken.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Atticus motions for me to follow and I give in. My head hurts too much to deny anyway. Before we exit the room, I glance back over to Cato, his eyes already watching me leave. I notice the blood under his nose from my blow and I smirk before he vanishes behind the door.

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