"Spence," Hanna said and put her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down, It didn't work. "Why would he do this?" I mumbled to myself. "Do you think Melissa knows?" Emily asked. I nodded. "That explains why it was so easy for him to take my baby," I said. "She didn't report it to the police," James said in a matter-of-fact tone. "We have to tell Aria," Hanna said and took out her phone. "No stop," I grabbed the phone from her and sat on the single seater couch. "No one's telling Aria anything. She can't be paranoid while pregnant. It can cause complications, please just wait for the baby to be born and then we will let her know," I said to them. "Spencer's right. Han and I will watch out for A. We're one step ahead of them and can't mess this up," Emily said. "Mom, can I please go to grandma?" Mason asked as he stepped out of his room. "Sure baby," I said. "Let James take you," I smiled and nodded towards James. He picked up Mason and carried him out the barn. "Mason really likes James. We've discussed eloping but my family will never allow that," I said. "Yay a wedding," Hanna chirped. "Han, relax. We're gonna wait a while. I need time."

Three months later

I phoned Ezra just after their appointment and asked for them to spend the day with Mason and I. He said he has an interview at Hollis but he'll drop off Aria. "Mase," I called out. He was playing outside with his toys. He rushed inside. "Yes mommy?" He asked. "Wash up, I've made you mac and cheese," I said. He walked into the bathroom and washed his hands. "Good boy," I smiled. He sat at his table. James got him his own small table and chairs set so he would be comfortable. "Your mac and cheese, is served," I said in a fancy voice and placed his food in front of him. After he ate we went up to the main house.

"What time is Aunt Aria coming?" Mason asked. I was about to answer him, I heard a knock on the door. "Hi Ar," I said as I opened the door. We hugged and sat on the couch. "Tea or juice?" I asked "Juice please," Aria replied. "Mason. Why don't you show aunt Aria your new toy?" He nodded and walked out the house and into the barn. "What did the doctor say?" I asked her "Troian's healthy. Spence I'm so scared," she said. Aria started crying. I put my arms around her and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked.

"First of all, I'm afraid of giving birth. Second, what if I'm not a good parent to Troian and she hates me forever?" She asked without taking a breath.

"You can have a c-section. And you'll be a perfect mother, I see how you are with Mason. Sometimes I wish I could have that kind of relationship with him. He always wants to be with you. This is the first time you and Ezra are having a kid, you're bound to make mistakes. I'll be there when you need me to help, I promise," I wiped her eyes.

"Thank you Spence," she said.

Mason walked in with his firetruck and showed Aria how it operated. I looked at them in admiration. Suddenly Aria said my name in shock. "What's wrong Ar?" I asked. "My water just broke," she said. "Mason get in the car. Here's my keys," I handed him the car keys. He threw his remote control on the couch and took the keys from me. I helped Aria to the car then walked around to the drivers side and drove to the hospital. "Hi. Ezra, Arias water broke. We're at the hospital," I said into my phone when I pulled up to the hospital. A guy with a wheelchair came rushing to Arias door. They put her on the wheelchair and wheeled her away while I phoned Hanna, Em, Ella and and everyone who needed to be here.

After my phone call I got off the car with Mason and we went into the hospital. "Is Troian coming today?" He asked me when we sat on the chairs. "I'm not sure Mase. Might be today or tomorrow," I explained. I looked at my watch, 2pm. We only spent about 15 minutes with Aria. Hanna walked in with Ella. "How is she?" Ella asked me after giving Mason and I a hug. "I don't know. We've just got here," I explained. Hanna took Mason with her to the gift shop to get something for Troian and Aria. "Mr Fitz....no...she's signed in as Miss Montgomery...SHE'S MY FIANCÉ..." Ezra said to the lady at the reception. "Why do you have to ask so many questions?" He asked through gritted teeth. I was surprised to see Ezra so agitated and rude. I walked over to him. When he saw me he seemed to be calmer. "Excuse us," I said to the lady and pulled Ezra aside. "Ezra, I understand that you're going through a lot of emotions right now, but I need you to calm down. You know that they won't let you in unless you're calm?" I asked him and waited for an answer. He nodded. "They need to ask questions because of security purposes," I explained. "Spencer I just want to see Aria," he said in a worried tone. "I know. And as soon as you're calm, they will tell you where she is. You can't stress her out while she's in labour." He looked like he was about to strangle me but I didn't care, I had to do this. "Have some of this while I talk to the receptionist," I said when Ella handed him a glass of water. He took the glass and drank. After speaking to the receptionist she let him through to Arias room.

7 hours later and Mason was asleep on Hannas lap. I asked to take him from her and she said that she's okay holding him. Soon Ella fell asleep. It's now 10pm. James just finished his shift so he sat with me. "James," I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "Let's get-" "Wait. Before you continue. I'd like to show you something," he said. I figured that telling him about us getting together can wait till later. He lead me into the elevator and pressed the first button to take us to the highest floor of the hospital. When we got to the floor, we stepped out and he walked me to the end. "You know, this isn't the highest level," he said. "It isn't?" "Nope. And I'm the only one who has access to it," he said. "Why you?" I asked. "I'll tell you later," he winked. "This floor is for our entire hospitals stock. See those," he pointed to the gates we just passed. "There are only 4 people who have access to that. Excluding me, that is." "Are you trying to impress me with all these hospital things?" I joked. "Not exactly," he smirked. He pulled out keys from his pocket and turned to face the door that was behind us. He put the key in and opened the door. Then he looked for another key and walked further in to open a gate. After opening the gate he took me further in. There was a staircase that went up. He walked upstairs and opened another gate. "Come," he said. I walked up to him. He opened the door and we walked outside. We were at the absolute top of Rosewoods hospital. "Did you bring me here to kill me?" I asked , shocked. "You're a smart girl. I actually did," he turned, closed the door and locked it. He walked towards me. I backed away slowly. I felt the cold concrete touch my arms as I walked backwards into the ledge. "Dont be scared Spencer," he said and put his hand in his pocket. Looks like he has a gun, great. He went down on one knee and pulled out a small box. "Spencer Hastings. Will you marry me?" He asked. A wide grin spread across my face. "YES. absolutely yes," he stood and kissed me. "Why would I ever want to kill you?" He laughed.

"Look," he pointed behind me. I turned and saw that we had the view of Rosewood. He took my hand and lead me to the other side of the roof which wasn't visible until now. "Dinner for my fiancè," he grinned. In front of me was a table filled with food. I couldn't see what it was because it was covered with a net. I took a seat and he pushed in my chair. He removed the net to reveal a beautifully set out dinner. Prawns, rice, chips, lobster, mixed vegetables, calamari, hake, wine and wine glasses. "Wow," I murmured. "A toast, to our future," he said after he poured our wine and raised his glass. We clinked glasses and sipped on our wine.

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