Recovering Undever

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The three girls sat in the grass, bathed in color and heat. The August sun bowed in the sky as it shot orange-pink rays about. The humidity that day was so chokingly thick that the girl's hair layed damp and frizzy. The one with the bouncy brunette curls fussed over her matted locks as her two friends giggled silently. "Will you two quit it?" She shot the gigglers a jokingly threatening look, which, of course, only made them break into a laugh. Well, they're obviously not going to stop after that look... thought the girl. The brunette shrugged and joined in as her fingers caught a snag as she raked through her hair. The three fell into a laughing, breathless heap.

"Geez, the air is so... thick today, I feel like I'm drowning," Said the girl with the baby blue eyes and the overgrown bob. She streched her fingers outward, gliding them through the air.

"Wha-" Started the third girl. She shook her head, sending strands of chocolate hair flying out of her braid. She snorted and continued, "What are you doing?" She elbowed the girl with the blue eyes. "Cutting the air?"

"Exactly," answered the one with the dancing fingers. Much like the humidity, you could feel the bond of the three girls in the air. Its like tightly laced string connnecting the three souls, binding them together. Its like jarring white noise that anyone has to notice. Its like they have super-hero quallities that make them perfect partners. They can sense eachother, read their thoughts through their eyes. They've all been friends since the brunette came to the blue-eyed and braided girls' school in second grade. That's when the string started to weave together, the white noise was cranked, when they realized that they were secretly superwoman clones. Although they all are regular girls, they have something special to them. Something that we need. This is why we chose them.

Undever is our world. We used to live on a real planet, Earth's twin, until that fatal day hundreds of thousands of years ago. Since what happened, we've been literally living in Earth's shadow. Undever is currently in a state of limbo, a state in which our people are in constant fear of being completely wiped away into nothing. Time has warped and frozen, sped up and ticked by endlessly. Us Undeverans like to say our world is just in a dream, and some day we will all wake up, strech into the sun, out of Earth's shadow. We all are hanging on by a thread, a thread of which belongs to three girls.

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