Chapter Seven: Library

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You spent the next week in your room, only coming out to get food. The bathroom inside of your bedroom was very convenient for you avoiding the men in this bunker.

You needed to get out and walk a bit. You felt antsy after being cooped up in there for days. The halls were long, leading to areas you hadn't even seen before. Exploration would preoccupy you and help with your boredom. Plus, Mark should be coming back later today from his trip.

You wondered why this place was even here. Maybe it used to be a bomb shelter? Dark mentioned you weren't the only one he has kidnapped before.

Did he keep other people in here too? What if they stayed in my room? What if they died in my room?

You shook your head, still wandering the halls. You thought about how much your friends and family are missing you and how much you miss them. You were happy that you could see Markiplier up close and personal, but Dark put a damper on your excitement.

You lost track of where you were walking and had made many turns by now. You were heading towards a dead end you realized and stopped in your tracks. You saw a huge black door at the end of the hallway that grabbed your attention. You were very curious about what it lead to, but the fear of Dark being in there almost made you turn around.

You gave into your curiosity, walking to the door and pushing it open. Inside was the biggest library you had ever seen. It had books nearly everywhere. You walked up a staircase that led up to a second floor, completely in awe of the magnitude this room held.

You leaned over railing and you saw the entire first floor. You felt normal again, almost as if you were back home. You sighed deeply. A library has always a general calming effect on you.

"Do you like it?" A baritone voice came out of no where, causing you to jump.

You turned your head to see Dark on your right, making you immediately step away from the rail. You didn't want him to push you over it.

You nodded in response to his question, watching his motions.

"We constructed it for you. I know how much you enjoy the serenity a library holds." He stalked towards you as you moved away from him.

You tripped and fell backwards into an arm chair. Dark chuckled at your clumsiness. He leaned over you, with his hands on both of the armrests.

"I hope you won't mind if I linger for a while." His face was inches from yours, his lips locking once more with yours. You stubbornly refused to kiss him back. It ended as quickly as it started and he backed away from you. You couldn't take your eyes away from him.

"What? Do you want my attention?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No." You muttered timidly. He made you feel so conflicted. You knew that he was not a good person, but there was something about him that drew you in and sparked your curiosity. Maybe he was a siren; Mark is a good singer after all.

"Alright then." He gestured towards the books around. "Read."

You rolled your eyes. I'll read on my own damn time. You forgot Dark could still see you, as you were reminded by his glare.

Dark walked away from you and plopped down at a table far away. You saw him pick up a black book that had been sitting there and started reading. You decided that you could read now that he was gone.

You read for a few hours and decided that your eyes needed a rest. You looked over to see Dark still focused intently on his book.

You got up from you chair and walked to the stairs. You took a step down, but your foot caught on the carpet. You were about to tumble down the stairs, but a strong pair of arms wrapped around you.

God I need to pay more attention to my surroundings.

"Careful, my dear." Dark held you close to him, his face was expressionless as usual. He let you go and you thanked him for helping you. You saw him walk back to his table and pick his black book back up.

I would wonder what book he could be so interested in?

You walked carefully down the staircase and back to your room, noticing a text notification on your phone. Opening it, you saw that it was Mark and he said that he was finally back from his trip and in the bunker.

As much as you hated wandering these halls, you had to talk to someone eventually. Better sooner than later. You walked down the halls, searching for Mark. Now that he was back, you were going to get some answers.

Don't Be Cruel [Darkiplier/Markiplier x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now