Eat something. You think best with food in your mouth.

"Y'know, it's kinda creepy how you say all these facts about me so casually. Do you ever think before you speak?"

Eat and focus.

"Fine. Just be glad Cara likes gum." I reach into the side pocket of the wheelchair and pull out a packet of gum. I put a piece in my mouth and return the packet to its spot, then take deep breaths as I chew and focus.

I lean forward in my chair and move the pins around slowly in the lock. Somehow, the unexpected happens and the lock pops open. I twist the handle and the door swings back. Apparently, the other two locks were open already.

I lean into the back of my wheelchair in shock.

"Wha... How'd I do that? I didn't even know what I was doing."

In time, this skill shall grow and you will understand.

"Look, I'm sorry I was so snappy. I haven't been listening, even though you've been right so many times now."

We know we are overbearing and frustrating; it is who we are.

I go out into the hallway as quietly as I can and close the door behind myself.

"How do I lock it now?" I ask. A musical laughter fills my mind in exactly the same way as it did when I was first getting to know this mysterious light figure.

Try to open it.

I reach for the handle and try to twist it, but it won't budge. If Robin has a mouth, I'm pretty sure it's grinning smugly right now.

"I don't even want to know how that happened." I chuckle, shaking my head and wheeling towards the elevators.

Neither of us says anything as we wait for the lift doors to open. Even once we've completed the elevator trip and are both outside the apartment building, there's nothing but silence between us.

I raise an eyebrow at Robin expectantly; it said it would guide me, and it's not doing anything except sitting on nothing yet again.

"Um, I believe this is the part where you tell me which way we have to go... Or you could just float along ahead of me and I'll follow."

We do not 'float' anywhere. We sit on drafts of air that keep us stationery, but we cannot walk on air currents. That is impossible.

Of course it brings up the 'impossible' so nonchalantly. Why the hell wouldn't it? Although I think it really needs to find the definition of 'impossible' because the lines are starting to blur since the whole 'I'm stuck in the Flashverse' thing is going on.

"Where are we going?" I ask impatiently.

Go to Jitters.

"Are you serious? Wolfgang is at Jitters?"

We are always serious, but no. When we get to Jitters, you will receive the next instruction.

"This isn't a treasure hunt or amazing race. You could just give me all of the instructions now and let me do my own thing, or you could, oh I don't know, bring Wolfgang here yourself instead of making me catch a cold out here in the middle of the night."

We do not appreciate your tone.

I groan in frustration and start heading towards Jitters anyway. Thankfully I know my way there now so I won't get lost... Hopefully.


"Okay, we're at Jitters. Now what?"

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen  (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now