While Alex rushed to work Liz hung around her apartment, it wasn't an uncommon ordeal. She sat on the couch and noticed a crumpled piece of paper, she picked it up and laughed, rather loudly at the title. 'Bucketlist'. Liz read some of the ideas aloud to herself; 'Find a cute boyfriend to do heists with', 'Pet a bear, she then stopped reading as she saw some of the others, she scanned the paper, and looked at the last one, 'get a cat'. Liz smirked evilly, grabbed her stuff and made her way out to the humane society to meet Kensie. 

Alex had made to work on time, surprisingly, but none of her co-workers had. She unlocked the cafe and got to work getting set up for the morning rush. Since nobody was around she made herself an americano, put it on ice and added a shot of maple syrup. Angel showed up around 6, just as customers began to become a steady stream. The two greeted each other and worked away until around 8 when it settled down again. That's when he came in, Geoff. His usual suit had been replaced with something more casual. Straight cut jeans, and a maroon button up with the sleeves rolled just above the elbows, exposing his tan and tattooed forearms.  Now, Alex had been having a shitty week, she didn't want to be at work but on the days Geoff came in she forgot about those thoughts.  She knew he was bad news, but it was just casual flirting. 

He smiled at her as she worked on another customers drink, she smiled back and gave him a wave. Occasionally she cast a few looks in his direction, admiring how charming he looked doing something so mundane like texting. She handed over the drink she had been making and watched the women rush out the door. She made her way to the counter where Geoff stood, tapping his foot gently on the floor. 

"Hey." She, Alex, spoke softly, "The usual?"

"You know me so well Lex."

She internally giggled at the use of her nickname, then went about making Geoff his specialty coffee. He took a sip, smiled and thanked her. Leaving a tip as usual. He sat near the back of the cafe, reading a copy of the newspaper, seeing he was busy she decided to clean up. When the radio switched to Mr.Brightside by the Killers Alex couldn't stop herself from singing quietly. She swayed her hips to the beat, getting caught up in the music and her cleaning. 

Geoff had seen this and walked over, leaning on the counter, he cough, Alx turned bright eyed and startled. "Oh sorry Geoff, do you need anything?"

"Well.." She slid the paper across the counter, the front page was shown, on the front was the image of a burning cop car, and a group of men running from the scene with bags of cash. Fake AH Crew. "With guys like this running around, a lady such as yourself shouldn't be walking around alone, I was wondering if I could walk you home?"

Alex grew red, 'No no, it's fine, I'm off at 3 so I don't have to worry, really it's fine. I'm going out tonight but I'll be with my girlfriends so its fine."

Geoff smiled, "Alright, I'll pick you guys up, where we going?" 

Alex began to stutter, "Um. Sure, We're going to Elixer, its a nightclub, um..." She scurried around for her pen as she pulled out her notepad, "Here's my address and number."

"Nice, Thanks Lex." he winked.

His attention was soon drawn to yelling, Liz was outside, struggling with the door due to the crate in her left hand. Geoff walked over and held it open for the ginger. 

"Thanks Geoff."

"Excuse me? I don't think we've met before." Geoff said. Liz gulped, "So, how did you know my name?"

Liz, who does not good under pressure all the time, "Alex talks about you and has pointed you out a few time I'm sorry she likes your butt."

"Liz!' Alex facepalmed. 

"Thanks for the compliment Lex." 

"Yeah no problem, anyway, Liz what is that?"

"Oh!' She placed the crate on the counter and opened the side of it, it was in fact, a carrying crate for pets, Liz scooped out a small Sphynx kitten, with pale skin and grey tipped ears with wide green eyes.

"Okay, get the cat off the counter, Eddie would kill you."

"It's your cat."

"Wait... What?"

"I bought you a cat Alex."

Alex grinned, no, beamed, she bounced on the balls of her feet. "Ohmygoshohmygosh."She ran around to the other side of the counter and scooped the cat from Liz's arms. "Puck. That is his name." 

"Yo, Whats with the rat?" Angel came from the back, cleaning supplies in hand. 

"My cat. My new child." Alex was overly excited. 

"Cool, yo, I'll cover your shift if you take mine from next Wednesday."


"Cool." Angel went about whatever she was doing. Alex turned to Liz, a smile on her face. 

"Cute cat." Geoff spoke up, his mustache rising with his top lip has he spoke. 

"Oh thanks." Alex placed the kitten back into its  crate. She headed out of the cafe, chatting with Geoff and Liz. In turn, Liz invited Geoff over for lunch, they planned to pick up something. 

Alex's day was improved greatly. 

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