Oh, how frightening.

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"You can't bring your boyfriend!" Alex, a pixied-haired brunette with a fiery temper shouted. 

"Why not?" Kensie was much calmer, her expression hidden behind her round tinted glasses, her blonde bob perfectly still as she somehow manged to stay out of the wind. Even though the three girls were standing on Mount Chiliad. 

"Listen SourPatch, it's just that..." Liz trailed off, she ran her hand through her short ginger hair before speaking again, "But it is a girl gang.'

"Wow sexist much." Kensie responded, popping her bubblegum. 

"For fuck sa-" Alex was cut off by a cough. The three girls looked over, glaring at who had interrupted their bickering. 

"W-who are you? Let me go!" The voice cried out, the mans voice was weak but still possessed a harsh tone.  

Kensie frowned, "Listen, I'd watch your attitude kid, you're in not position to be speaking to any, well at least JollyRancher and I that way."

"Hey! Rude!" Alex, aka. JawBreaker snapped back. Kensie just waved a fingerless-gloved her in dismissal, "Now buddy, you're gonna open up about the drugs your boss stole, or you're gonna have to deal with a now angered bitch with a bat." Alex took this as her cue to do a mock swing, as if she was hitting a ball with her baseball bat, it was decorated with nails and blood, around the handle was a little cat carved into the solid wood, she placed the top to the ground and leaned on it, giving the guy a pale grey-eyed wink. The guy gulped, he struggled against the zipties around his wrists and ankles, but he couldn't do much laying in the dirt. "I ain't talking to a bunch of whores like you." He snapped, but the fear flickered through his eyes. 

"JB? Care to step in?" Kensie took a step back, allowing her friend to step forward. Alex cracked her neck, rolled her shoulders under her biker jacket and sighed, "Thought you'd never ask." She took one swing and it landed on the right side of the mans torso, the nails dug deep into his flesh and the ripping sound was prominent as she pulled the bat away. The man began swearing and wiggling as tears rushed down his face. Liz placed a boot clad foot onto his head, he stopped moving, but he still muttured profanities under his breath. 

"Next it'll be my turn, and I'll just go straight for the fingers, the bones sound like carrots under my blades hun." Her voice was light and cheerful but her hazel eyes had a twisted darkness lurking in them. 

"Okay, okay I'll talk." The man whimpered, admitting defeat. "He ambushed your men last night at the docks, I'm just a low-ranking guy okay, all I know is that they're planning to meet at the pier tonight with The Cathartidae." 

"Fucking Vultures, can't do anything for themselves." Alex mumbled to Liz, the ginger chuckled. 

"What time?" Kensie asked, peering over her glasses. 

The man squinted, the sun was setting and he was facing towards it. 

"1AM? Around that time I think?" He was panicked, but he became hysterical  as Kensie pulled the purple pistol, or the Colt 45 to be exact, from the inside of her deep grape jacket. 

"Thanks for the info bud." Alex chimed in, his voice was panicked stricken as he pleaded for Kensie not to shoot him, but she didn't care, she popped her bubblegum and pulled the trigger. There wasn't much blowback, even though the 9mm packed a hell of a punch, a little blood and tissue spat up and speckled  Kensies face. The wound leaked down from the guys face, pooling round his head mixing with the dirt, as he lay cold and lifeless. 

"Well, better get ready for tonight, I want to get my coke shipped off properly this time." Liz stated, throwing on her raybands and pulling up her sweater as the three made the long decent back down to their car. All three of the women had black jeans and boots on, and some sort of sunglasses.  The sun caught on Kensie's purple teashades, which matched her jacket, while Liz bore a navy jacket with her raybands,  Alex was sporting her tinted aviators, a green leather jacketa similar style to the other women. They walked, keeping up dust as they went. Nobody said a thing. 

"So, he was kinda a whiny bitch wasn't he?" Liz spoke up, breaking the silence. Kensie hummed in agreement, while Alex piped up to talk. 

"Right? What a sissy, though I do like it when they squeal." 

Liz and Alex bantered for awhile on they're preferred methods of getting information from people.  Liz with the scarring and cutting, while Alex with the beating and breaking. Kensie sighed and muttered, "Psychopaths." 

"Yeah well, you're no fun, you just do the quick shot, little to no clean up." Liz huffed, "At least we're creative!" 

"Yeah!" Alex chirped, though muffled by the wind. 

"And that's how it should be, but you guys do get our message across."

"Shit!" Alex yelled, gaining looks from both the girls, they all paused to look over at her. 

"What?" Liz and Kensie said in unison.

"I forgot to take out his tooth." 

"Wow, smooth, you forgot our calling card you ditz." Liz sighed.

"I'm not walking back up." Alex was making that fact very clear. 

Liz looked at Kensie, hopping their leader would make Alex walk all the way back up the Mount; Kensie merely shrugged, being indifferent to the decision. 

"Whatever, just get in the car, you can sit in the back because you're an idiot." Liz smiled, as she walked to the right side of the car.

In the end, Alex was sitting shotgun and Liz was in the back. Though both skilled fighters, Alex had brute strength over agility, and could muster her way through any situation. "How are we gonna setup tonight? I'm thinking Lizzy should be up on a crate, sniper at the ready, you," she addressed Kensie directly, "Go to try and reason with them, I'll hang back, and when things are about to go south Liz will hit, and then the two of us will go full frontal, eh?'

"One; never say full frontal again," Kensie said jokingly, "And two; doesn't sound like a bad plan, we'll touch it up when we get back to the apartment though. Work out all the little details." 

Liz and Alex sighed, "Can we get food though?" Liz asked, peaking her head up between the front seats. Now it was Kensie's turn to sigh, she nodded her head and headed off to the nearest Burger Shot to order, Liz got her chicken nuggets and milkshake, Alex got her milkshake and triple cheeseburger and Kensie settled for fries and a salad, being the vegetarian she was.  

They made it to Kensie's apartment and set up in the dinning room, pictures of the dock set up, little pins to represent who was who dotted the overview of the dock map. While Alex cleaned the guns carefully. She treated them like they were small children, on kittens, not harbingers  of death. 

"Did you seriously get ketchup on the map?!" 

Alex looked up from the couch to see Kensie yelling a Liz, she got up to investigate. 

"Awe man, why did you drop it on my pin?" Alex sighed sadly.

"Because with your big ego as a target, the baddies aren't likely to miss, so you're dead." Liz stuck out her tongue smugly.

Kensie furrowed her brows. It was going to be a long prepnight.  

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