Cemetery Drive

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I can't begin to say when the world became so empty. Maybe it was yesterday, possibly the day before. It may have even been years ago and I just never noticed. In any case there was a truth that I believed more so than anything else. This world was cold, and empty. I couldn't help but wonder, if I had just never noticed, would I be happy? Is ignorance really bliss? I could ponder these questions for days but it wouldn't change anything. At best it would just provide me with a way of passing the time. I slowly let my gaze drift up to the board in front of me. My math teacher's mouth continued to move, but if there was any sound coming out it certainly didn't reach me. For me the world was unbearably silent. I looked over the various equations written on the board. Though I was unfamiliar with them considering it was new material, it honestly wouldn't take too long for me to figure it out on my own. I had a knack for math it seemed. My teacher’s various glances at me over the course of the class were fairly hard to ignore. It was more than obvious that he had a problem with my aloof attitude towards school. He couldn't argue with my grades though, so aside from these glances he left me alone for the most part. Getting bored with watching my teacher’s mouth move, I lazily looked back down at the notebook on my desk. Incredibly enough there were in fact a few notes, mostly just what I needed to figure it out on my own later. Aside from that the page was primarily covered with the various doodles I had drawn in order to pass the time: skulls, flowers, reapers, and other various things. Drawing had to be one of the few things I gained a certain amount of joy from. Looking back up I noticed many of my fellow students were starting to pack up their things and leave.

            "The bell must've rung," I silently mumbled to myself as I stuffed my notebook back into my shoulder bag and began to put on the long grey trench coat, which to the few who were close to me, had become a hallmark of my existence. After gathering my things I quietly made my way out of the room. The hallway was full of its usual occupants of loud, arrogant, and stupid people who for reasons unknown seem completely oblivious to the world around them. I sighed heavily and ventured through the narrow pathway to my next class. As horribly dull as walking through the hallway was, I often found it rather amusing to see how I could squeeze between the hundreds of oblivious people who failed to realize there were others trying to get by. After successfully navigating through the jungle I couldn't help but smirk at my accomplishment. However this was soon followed by pondering how sad it was that the highlight of my day was being able to sneak my way through a hallway unnoticed. Seeing  my destination up ahead, I quickly slipped in and placed my stuff down by my desk.  As usual I was one of the first people to get to class. Probably because I didn't have a thousand social engagements I had endure between every class. Unfortunately being early did mean I was forced to have to spend some time alone with Her.

            "You're early as usual Mr. Bronwen." Pretending as if I didn't hear her, I quickly sat down and pulled the book I had been reading recently, "The Silence of The Lambs" by Thomas Harris. It might seem a little weird (though worrisome might be the better word), but I couldn't help but feel a slight connection with Dr. Hannibal Lector. To make it clear, I would never follow in his footsteps, but I do believe I could have some interesting conversations with him. As obvious as it was that I didn't want any connection with the bothersome woman who greeted me, she still sighed rather heavily as if to pronounce her existence to me. I glanced up slightly in response to see my physics teacher looking at me with a questionable expression. No, She wasn't my Physics teacher and she never will be. I looked back down clarifying my intentions of ignoring her existence. Footsteps started to approach me, but before they could reach me the sound of students started to fill the room forcing her to turn her attention to the needs of the class. For once I was thankful for these irritating people.

            The rest of the day slipped by rather quickly. Before I even knew it the last bell had rung and it was time to make my way home. I quickly gathered my things and threw my trench coat on my shoulders keeping my arms out of the sleeves. Slipping out into the busy hallway I once again found myself faced with the masses of hormone crazed teenagers. However now that school was out I could safely pull out my secret weapon for dealing with the difficulties of forced social integration. I took one last look at the bustling, noisy hallway and put in my ear buds then pressed play. Suddenly my world was full of the comforting yet edgy tones and smooth yet hard lyrics of MCR. Even I must admit that my description of their music is nothing less of an oxymoron but I swear to you it's true. The first time I listened to them I couldn't help but think, "This band is weird." But as time went by that just fueled my appeal for them. Slowly I reopened my eyes and was greeted by a pleasant sight. The hallway was empty. Not a single person could be found much less proof that anyone had been there at all. I smiled slightly to myself.

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