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"So, do you read everyone's minds when you look at them?" Peter looked over at her. They were sitting side by side on swings in a park that Peter recommended they go to since she'd never really been to one.

"No, I try my best not to. It's none of my business what they think. It's kind of rude to invade someone's privacy like that," She explained.

"So when do you use your gift?" He asked and Jessie smiled at his use of the word "gift" instead of "super power".

"Usually when me or the Avengers are in danger and we need to find out information quick," She dug her boots into the dirt beneath them. "I'm not like you. I don't get to save people like you do," She frowned.

"Well, I'm sure that's not true. I-I mean, you're Empathy. You can make the baddest of the bad act the way you want them to just by simply glancing at them," Peter exclaimed. He made it sound like it was the ultimate superpower, but he didn't realize how much it took out of me.

"It doesn't come for free. Every time I use my power for more than a few minutes, I'll tire myself out and then no longer be able to complete my mission. I don't fight as well when I'm tired and using my power would only make me more prone to passing out, so it's not without consequences," She shook her head in disappointment.

"Well, I believe you've done a great job at keeping the world safe," He smiled softly at her and she huffed, but nodded.

"We try. No matter how difficult."

"I still can't believe you've never been to a park," He shook his head in disbelief as he tried changing the subject.

"I was raised by Agents in a confined room with training and visiting privileges," She rolled her eyes. "There were no parks where I was. The Avengers and I don't hang out in parks for fun either. They're all grownups so they do grown up things like argue about pointless things and make stupid inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times," She referred the latter to a certain someone.

"Your life sounds..."

"Boring? Upsetting?" She tried and he sighed.

"Were you born with your powers?"

"No. At a young age I went through a process called Terrigenesis. No one knew about it then so it wasn't ever explained in full detail what had happened that caused me to turn to stone only to break out of that stone-like carcass as a kid with a superpower I couldn't control," Jessie continued to look down at the dirt she was kicking with her foot.

"A month ago, I was bitten by a radioactive spider," Peter said uneasily.

"That explains it. I thought you were just born an idiot," She teased and they both laughed lightly after Peter's cheeks turned red.

"Hey, I didn't make any jokes about you," He pouted. She put her hands up in defense.

"Alright, alright. You've got a point."


"Jess!" Clint called to her as he found the girl pacing behind a building that didn't have Ultron bots swarming around it. Her hands were on the sides of her head and she looked panicked. He approached her and set his hand on her shoulder to which she flinched away. "Jess, what is it?" Her eyes finally reached his and he felt an overwhelming surge of fear that he tried to get rid of. It was her fear that was what he was feeling, not his own.

"Th-They don't have minds. I can't...I cant do anything," She hyperventilated and Clint tried calming her down by setting both of his hands on her shoulders. She tried flinching away but he held her in place.

MIND GAMES|PETER PARKERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon