prologue part 2

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6 years later

Loki, the Asgardian God of Mischief, was held prisoner in a cell originally meant for the Hulk inside the Helicarrier. A huge aircraft almost the size of a 6 story building. Maybe bigger than that.

The Avengers were with Fury discussing what they were going to do with Loki when Phil walked in unannounced. "She's here," He announced, although he spoke toward Fury who nodded and looked back at the Avengers who were now confused on what was happening.

Steve Rogers was the first to speak up. "Who's here?"

The Avengers stood in a circle around the room. Tony Stark, otherwise known as Ironman or the head of Stark Industries, was the only one leaning back in his chair popping blueberries into his mouth. Bruce Banner was standing next to him and keeping his cool knowing he could 'Hulk out' at any second of the day.

Clint was under mind-control by Loki leaving Natasha Romanoff, known Black Widow, alone and more guarded than usual. And next to her was Thor, Loki's brother, dressed in his godly Asgardian gear, standing a whole foot above everyone.

"We have a way to know what Loki is planning," Fury began and Natasha's eyes darted to Coulson's as they shared a knowing look.

"You're not sending Jess in there....right?" She questioned and Phil notably sighed. Natasha and Jessie had formed a close relationship, almost family-like, with each other. Clint was the one to introduce them.

"Who's Jess?" Bruce asked looking around at all of the confused faces in front of him.

"Jessie Tanner. She's a girl with enhanced abilities. Superpowers, if you will," Fury explained and clicked a button on a small remote he pulled out of his long, dark coat.

A 3D video clip appeared in front of them. A nine year old girl was sitting on the marble floor of her room reading her book, Harry Potter and the Half blood prince.

A man came in and she quietly shut the book and stood up from where she was sitting. He was an agent and she stared at him for a good five seconds before breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Did you need something Agent Fuller?" She asked. He nodded and pulled out a gun holding it up to her. Jessie didn't even flinch.

"I was ordered to put you down," He spoke monotonously with a blank expression. She laughed and shook her head with a smile and all of the Avengers, other than Natasha who remembered watching the interaction, were confused at Jessie's reaction.

"You're so silly. There are no bullets in that gun," She giggled and he cocked his head to the side.

"How do you know?" He asked, seeming just as confused as the ones watching the video.

"You said here," She said pointing to her head and he pulled the trigger hoping she'd flinch to create some kind of rise out of the the girl, but the gun released no bullets as expected and the girl remained calm and still. "See?" She said putting her hand down and sitting on her bed opening her book again. The video clicked off and Fury put the small device back in his coat.

"So, she can read minds?" Bruce spoke after the video had ended.

"She can control the mind. Bend it to her own will," Fury said twisting his hand for effect.

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